Tales of Whatever #14
7.45, 14th November, The Castle Hotel, Oldham St.
This live storytelling night sees participants tell a true story off the cuff – no notes and no props. This one looks as if it will be as popular as ever, so get there early and hunker down with an ale or two and get ready for the halcyon comfort of storytime.
Bad Language’s Second Birthday
7.30pm, 28th November, The Castle Hotel, Oldham St.
Champions of the spoken word, the local literature organization Bad Language has been holding a mike up to new writing talent for two whole years now. They began gathering language lovers together at the local to listen to a democratic blend of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. And now they’re celebrating in traditional style, with readings from established Bad Language voices like Rodge Glass alongside the open mic acts – and there are still slots left, so one of them could be you.
Scroobius Pip
7.30pm, 4th December, The Ruby Lounge
£10 Advance
The genre-bending spoken wordsmith is taking his show on the road, and will be playing in Manchester in early December. His combination of wit and grit has propelled poetry out of its seemingly permanent resting place in the hands of GCSE English teachers, earnestly angsty teens, and beret-wearers, and onto CDs. Any day now it’ll get onto the World Wide Web.