An ‘Evening of Jazz’ in aid of Action on Hearing Loss
By Meghan Owen
Of all the dreaded social situations we encounter, repeatedly failing to hear a question is perhaps one of the most uncomfortable. Leading us to ask “what did you say?” up to three times before it becomes socially unacceptable to continue, the only solution is to nod politely, utter a risky “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know” before becoming flustered and hoping that the question did not require a more extended response.
Hearing loss is heavily present in our everyday lives. Yet the severity of a disability which affects nine million people in the UK alone is often overlooked. It can lead to miscommunication, isolation, and often, in more serious cases, precarious situations with dangerous implications. Hearing loss is malicious. It can change personalities, create sentiments of negativity and anger, and advance depression or withdrawal from society. Its universal status as a mere inconvenience often shades the reality of its capability: That of a silent killer.
Often associated with old age, it is vital to understand that hearing loss can actually affect people of all ages. The stigma attached to youths with hearing loss is often negative, though this section of society is at high risk due to continuous boozy nights often involving loud pumping bass.
I am organising an ‘Evening of Jazz’ together with another music student at the University of Manchester, Vicky James, in order to raise awareness for Action on Hearing Loss—a charity “working for a world where hearing loss doesn’t limit or label people”—and to encourage other students to reconsider their attitudes towards the common disability. A chilled evening of jazz classics seemed ideal for promoting the cause.
Taking place at 256 on the 16th of April from 7:30pm, the event will feature sets from ensembles such as MSC Groove and The Doxy Quartet to name but a few. So pop along for a mellow musical mingle. We’d like to HEAR you say yes, as it will be your LOSS if you miss out.
Click here to attend the Facebook event.