There’s always a comedown of sorts from Panagaea, from the vibrant transformation of our dreary university, to the lack of constant euphoria. But starting the New Year, still mourning the end of the university’s finest festival is frankly not ideal.
Get up
Although your body and mind may be in a state of fatigue, emerging from your stinky bedroom is advisable. Honestly, there’s only so much mindless television you can watch until your brain just doesn’t comprehend it anymore.
Go for a walk
The gym may not be a good idea, unless you consider staring at a weight stack—wondering what it was you intended to do with them for about half an hour into your so-called exercise. A walk, on the other hand, is far more manageable—wrap up warm and take in the fresh winter air.
Watch a childhood classic
Whether you’re a Disney lover, a Harry Potter fan or even a Lord Of The Rings buff. Let’s face it, these fictional worlds are often a fine alternative to the harsh reality of the day after.
Get social
Wallowing alone in self pity is never a good idea. The joy of having housemates are the hungover recollections of the night before in the most comfortable room in the house.
Eat up
Although your stomach may be oddly silent for once, don’t be fooled—food is still needed for you to get through this already difficult day.
Make it fruity
A natural sugar high and some vitamins will give you the boost you need to wash off any stubborn face paint.