Live Review: Neck Deep
It’s hard to believe how far Neck Deep have come. It hasn’t even been five years since they played their first ever show to a sparse crowd at Sound Control but here they are now playing to a sold out crowd at the O2 Apollo. It’s stunning how much they’ve grown in such a short time.
Despite the huge change in scenery Neck Deep don’t look out at place on the much bigger stage here. They open with much swagger to “Happy Judgement Day,” with Neck Deep showing off their increase in stage production with flames erupting during the chorus. Their set is punchy and bouncy. “Lime Street” and “Gold Steps” get the crowd jumping to every beat and screaming every lyric.
Older songs like “What Did You Expect” still garner a warm response from the crowd. You can only imagine what they’re thinking when “Well what did you expect? A fucking compliment?” is roared right back at them. It must be surreal when people are getting this worked up for the first ever song you wrote.
They never seem to really take it down a gear at all but nor does it bore. Every song is as potent as its last and it never really seems to die down. The hits just seem to keep on coming with new songs from their latest album, The Peace & The Panic, getting good responses. “Don’t Wait” and “In Bloom” both shine in the live environment with the crowd receiving them well.
One thing Neck Deep has clearly done is ramped up the stage production. Not did they only bring the aforementioned pyro but sparklers and a far better lighting set up. They don’t do anything fancy with it but they’re just happy to have it and it does looks impressive.
It’s only before the encore they take it down a notch. “Head to the Ground” is just Ben with acoustic guitar. The change in pace is welcome and pleasant. They continue this mood with “Wish You Were Here” and “A Part of Me” before heading off for a rest.
This is only the clam before the storm however as it isn’t long before they’re storming back to end with “Can’t Kick Up The Roots” and “Where Do We Go When We Go.” Confetti cannons explode during the last chorus before Neck Deep say their farewells.
The whole set is simple and effective. They aren’t trying to present you with a mind blowing experience with special renditions on songs but are here just to party and that’s great. Sometimes it’s just better to play the tunes and have a good time with the band and the crowd.
It’s obvious that Neck Deep have set their sights on big things and if this show is any indication they are not only ready for it, it looks likely that they will.