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22nd November 2018

Live Review: Sports Team

Jasmine Bennett reviews the infectiously energetic and electric performance of Sports Team at Academy 3
Live Review: Sports Team
Photo: Press Shot

On the 13th November I ventured up into the heart of the Student Union to Academy 3 to wait for Sports Team to perform. As the band kicked off, it was easy to see why the band have been cited as one to watch.

The six-piece thrived off each other, performing with eager energy and fuelling the room with an electrifying sound. Particular attention ought to be paid to their drummer, Alex, who tied the band together with her cohesive beats and rhythms that allow the guitars and vocals to shine. It was also particularly nice to enjoy the representation of a female drummer in such a male-dominated position. Launching themselves into action with ‘Camel Crew’, the band allowed the audience an opportunity to relish in their guitar-led sounds.

When I interviewed Rice last month, he told me that friendship was key to the band. This came across as one of the most important parts of their performance; they shared in-jokes, nattered and giggled between tunes and all seemed willing enough to put up with Rice’s ostentatious but enjoyable persona as lead singer.

He performed pitch-perfectly as he strode around the stage, lit in neon and regularly mouthing the words to his own songs as he stepped away from the microphone. As he owned the stage, dressed in a glimmering chain necklace, jumper and white trousers, it was impossible to tear your eyes off him. He danced around, flinging his limbs to his own music and trying his best to amp up the audience for headliner Hinds as much as possible.

Rice hung over the edge of the barrier as he sang into the crowd for fan-favourite finisher ‘Kutcher’, and the audience was hanging onto every word. The guitar solos were strong and electrifying behind him, and it’s easy to see just how much the six-piece adore the opportunity just to play together.

Sports Team were fun, vibrant and undeniably talented. Each member was incredibly tight in their music counterparts and appeared utterly enthused about being on stage. They had turned a room that was half-full at their start into one pulsating with an evident energy and enjoyment regardless of whether their audience was particularly familiar with them or not.

When they finished, leaving ears ringing with their sound, the girl next to me turned with an open mouth and asked for their name. I am sure there will be more asking the same question – and people should relish in giving the answer before they shoot to fame.


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