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5th March 2020

There’s still time to vote in the SU elections

There’s still time to have your say in this year’s Exec Officer elections – don’t miss out!
There’s still time to vote in the SU elections
Photo: Ethan Davies @ The Mancunion.

Voting closes at 5pm today in the University of Manchester SU Executive Officer Elections.

5,500 students have now voted on the eight Exec Officer positions and other part-time officer roles through the SU website and at polling stations across campus.

Results will be announced at the Elections Night at Whitworth Hall but there’s still time left to vote!

Meet your Exec Officer candidates:

Activities and Development: Laura Vaughan, Daniel Johnson, Rahul Chahal, Ellen Martin, and Felix Hanif-Banks.

Education Officer: Raluca Padure, Chloe Salins, Laetitia Alexandratos,and  Mohamed Jaasir Shaikh.

General Secretary: Claire Muller, Kwame Kwarteng and Hamzah Sheikh.

International Students Officer: Farah Jarrar, Raska Soemantoro, Ecem Yalcin, and Altyn Timi.

Liberation and Access Officer: Ana Porumb, Kate Foy, and Yueru Du.

Postgraduate Officer: Jekaterina Macilevic, Nana Agyeman and Ryan Woods.

Welfare and Community Officer: Junior Usina, Adam Haigh and Anvita Vikram, Gayathiri Sri Rangan, and Daisy Lambery

Women’s Officer: Amaranta Williams, Chenze Ma, Lily Bovill

The Students’ Union are offering insentives to students to encourage voting, with rewards for all students if certain voter turnout figures are reached. The milestones up to 5000 votes has already been reached meaning the SU are providing half price on all items at Brew during revision season in April, free icecream and chips during revision season and a ‘Glow-Up’ UV paint club night at the end of the semester.

Other incentives include , 50% off all food and drink in the SU bar, 352, for 8000 votes made, a funfair at graduation if 15,000 votes are submitted and a promise to plant a tree for every voter if 20,000 votes are made.

To read candidate manifestos and for more info on part time officer candidates visit the UoM Students Union website

Anja Samy

Anja Samy

Editorial Advisor and Head of Manchester Media Group.

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