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Bernadette Chapman

Bernadette Chapman

From the Vault: Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender

“The whole album sounds like an aural iteration of some Baltic tapestry”

Michael Gove; why we need more women in politics

Bernadette Chapman argues that we desperately need more women on the front bench of politics

Live: Bill Callahan

Callahan’s understated vocals mesmerise and provide a compelling consistency

Live: Queens of the Stone Age

Queens of the Stone Age excellently fill an arena with their glam, scuzzy, melodious and trippy songs

Christmas Party Drinks

It’s nearly time to open the first chocolate in your advent calendar! It’s not just me who still gets one, right? And that means the sometimes dauntingly boozy festive season is upon us, but what the fuss can you rustle up in terms of Christmas party drinks, both boozy and non-boozy?  Beer and wine is […]

Top 5 Songs… about Clothes

Songs to soundtrack a catwalk

Recipe Book Review

My shelves are bursting with recipe books, all shapes, sizes, and types.  Their pages often unspoiled, and they fall open in a couple of places covered in sauce and potato on the very few recipes I’ve returned to or even cooked at all.  The problem with recipe books is that there are rarely more than […]

Lessons Learnt: How to Make a Hungover Sunday Roast

Still feeling a fair bit sorry for myself after a rather turbulent Friday night Halloween party, on Sunday my boyfriend and I had the brilliant idea to cook us up a roast, and cook it up good. Inevitably, all did not go to plan, and I learned some valuable lessons that day, some of which […]

Coffee and Cardamom Cake

After two days without overhead lights due to tripping them and being rather perplexed by the old fashioned fuse box (note to landlords: please stop lumping students with crappy goods), I finally figured out how to get everything back on, and lo, let there be light!  To celebrate being able to cook by more than […]

From the Vault: Nirvana – In Utero

As the follow up to Nevermind, In Utero provides a bitter, beautiful repost to the media whirlwind that followed their most popular album.

Live: Splashh

Splashh fail to make waves but perform an enjoyable set.

Live: CocoRosie

CocoRosie put on an impressive show, but the music side is lacking.