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Concerns have been raised over new security measures implemented by Manchester City Council and funded by the city’s universities to tackle anti-social behaviour in popular student area Fallowfield
Greater Manchester Police appeal to the student community to help in the search for the key witness in the Fallowfield rape case
A young man and his girlfriend have been attacked in the centre of Fallowfield, leaving a young man in a serious but stable condition
The ALDI discount store in the student area was robbed by four men carrying dangerous weapons recently
Last month a student coming home from a night out was raped in Fallowfield, police are appealing for a witness to come forward.
Mubadala, the Abu Dhabi-based and government-owned investment company, has announced it will invest around £175 million in the redevelopment of the Fallowfield campus to create a 3000-room student village.
A man is being held in custody in connection with the rape of a 22-year-old student on Ladybarn Lane on the 5th of December
Students “find it ridiculous that MPs will be debating ‘loud student parties’ in parliament this week, whilst next to nothing is being done to protect women that are being raped”.
A 22-year-old was raped as she walked home from a friend’s house around 11:30pm on Friday the 5th of December
The ever-popular student erotica series returns with a new fresher, and new shocking stories. You’ll never ride a Magic Bus the same way again
The 19-year-old was raped in an alleyway near Whitby Road in Fallowfield at around 3:30am last Saturday, on her way home from a night out
Fallowfield, the student of of Manchester has been met with many stories over the years, but some that have never seen the light of day yet.
In the early hours of Sunday morning riot police vans arrived on the scene of a violet fist-fight between two large groups of drinkers outside of the Fallowfield Baa Bar
Three students, one currently in a serious condition in hospital, have been attacked in Fallowfield on their way home from a night out in Manchester.
A series of unannounced door-to-door visits in Fallowfield at the beginning of October saw over 100 known criminals located and arrested and £90000 worth of cannabis plants seized
The man was left with serious head injuries at local petrol station after a violent dispute over bike ownership.
Oxjam Manchester took over the streets of Fallowfield last week, with three days of music and shopping.
Deborah Kermath, head caterer at Ashburne Hall, has beaten thousands of contestants to reach the finals BBC Radio 4’s Food and Farming Awards.
The stabbing on Wilmslow Road raised questions over safety in Fallowfield
Bondax, Preditah and Transmission Collective play house parties in Fallowfield on Saturday night