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By Angela Neary How far from Manchester can you get in 30 hours without spending a penny?
Review: All The Way Home at The Lowry
Asim Javed faces an indeterminate prison sentence for attacking two women in Fallowfield and Didsbury. Joshua Carroll, Catriona Gray, Duncan Jaycock and Hannah Tosh report
Proposed changes to parliamentary constituencies across Manchester disregard the significance of local identity
Ah, the cinema; the student’s official alternative to getting completely smashed all the time. For those of you waking up on the floor fully-clothed with chips and cheese all round your mouth, (only to be told that in a few hours you will be repeating the experience), you might just consider attempting to persuade your mates with these great cinemas and offers instead. Just make sure you don’t see Requiem for a Dream. It’s not hangover material.