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manchester lift-off Articles

Calling all film students, cinephiles and critics – Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2018

Calling all film students, cinephiles and critics – Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2018

Don’t miss the chance to get involved with this year’s Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival!

Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2017 Documentary Interviews: Cabby and The Botanist

The Mancunion speaks to directors Maude Plante-Husaruk and Daniel Watts about their films which featured at the Manchester Lift-Off Festival 2017

Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2017- Day 1 Shorts, Part 2

Eloïse Wright covers The Last Laugh, The Track, Faustine, The Wolves Beyond the Timber and Retriever from the Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival

Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2017- Day 2 Shorts, Part 2

Eloïse Wright covers five of the short films from the second day of the Manchester Lift-Off Festival

Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2017- Day 3 Shorts Part 2

Eloïse Wright covers five of the the shorts from day 3 of the Manchester Lift-Off Festival

Preview: Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival

Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival promotes up-and-coming filmmakers