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student action Articles

Students occupy Samuel Alexander ahead of the World Academic Summit

Students occupy Samuel Alexander ahead of the World Academic Summit

Manchester Leftist Action occupied the Samuel Alexander building on October 4, in a demonstration against the World Academic Summit
Are ‘whitewashed’ medical textbooks putting black lives at risk?

Are ‘whitewashed’ medical textbooks putting black lives at risk?

Amelia Cummins discusses the potential medical risks black people could face due to underrepresentation in textbooks and literature
Climate activists occupy UoM: As it happened

Climate activists occupy UoM: As it happened

They’re demanding UoM divest from all fossil fuel companies
The students ready to fight back: does Fallowfield need a ‘first response’ group?

The students ready to fight back: does Fallowfield need a ‘first response’ group?

University of Manchester student suggests taking a ‘first response team’ in helping to address burglaries in Fallowfield.

Campaign launched to help homeless women on their periods

The ‘Time of The Month’ campaign will launch on 25 February and seeks to raise money for sanitary products benefiting homeless women across Manchester

Student Action: Breakout

Student Action are running ‘Breakout’; a four day activity programme in the week beginning the 6th of April during the Easter holidays with disadvantaged children aged 8 to 10 from a local school

2000 homeless in Manchester, it’s time to take a stand

Lauren Wills investigates the problem of homelessness in Manchester and argues that we should all be getting involved

Why I’ll be sleeping rough: STAR/Amnesty International’s Sleepout campaign

Sophie Guinard tells us her reasons for supporting this year’s STAR/Amnesty Sleepout campaign