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1st February 2013

Society Spotlight

Find out how to try something new in 2013 with Society Spotlight

This semester the Societies section of The Mancunion will launch a new feature aiming to show off and promote the wide range of societies and clubs we have here at the University of Manchester. Society Spotlight will show students how easy, interesting, fun and beneficial it can be to join a society or just try something new.

Each week I will meet and have a go at a different society’s activity or event – I may discover a new found talent, face a difficult challenge or fail miserably at something, but hopefully with entertaining results. The aim is to show off the variety of things students can get involved in, from drama, baking and circus skills to music and academic and political societies. There is something for everyone, and by personally taking part I will show just how easy it is. It can be daunting joining a society, especially so late in the academic year, but it doesn’t have to be Fresher’s week to start something new, and often societies are always looking for new members.

Give it a Go 2013

Alongside this, between 28th January and 10th February student societies and groups will be running an open session that anyone can attend. Come along and find something for yourself, it could be part of a new year’s resolution to discover a new hobby, or may be a great way to find that extra something to add to your CV. Visit for event listings.

Society Spotlight needs you!

If you are part of a society and would like some free coverage and advertising then please get in touch. All you have to do is tell me when, where and what, and I’ll be there ready to have a go at whatever it is you guys do best. Email [email protected] for more information or to arrange a visit.

More Coverage

The Mancunion sat down with the University of Manchester’s Feminist Collective to talk about their society values, their plans for the year ahead, and intersectional feminism
Tiramisu, which was performed at the University of Manchester SU, is an excellently existential adaptation of Annie Baker’s The Antipodes
Skies in the Cloud exhibits intimate and ethereal themes, showcasing the talent of UMDS students
The Mancunion reviews Stum, performed by the University of Manchester Drama Society at The Brewers in Gay Village