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25th September 2013

Psychic readings: regurgitated rubbish or an individual’s insight?

Dana Fowles investigates the highly controversial field of psychic readings

I have always had the psychic bug. That is, I have always wanted to go and see one. I am fascinated by the idea that someone can see into your past, present and future. Recently, I finally plucked up the courage to go and see not one, but two, and compare the readings. Is it simply a case of cold reading as Derren Brown suggests, or is there something more to it?

The cold reader, as Derren Brown puts it in his discussion with Richard Dawkins, ‘supplies a lot of words’ which the individual concerned then supplies the meaning to. This is how a complete stranger can ‘seemingly’ tell you ‘everything about yourself without being psychic.’ He describes cold reading as a ‘set of linguistic tricks’ which are ‘very easy to fall for,’ but imply that a complete stranger knows everything about you.

Brown also refers to the barnum statement, which allows you ‘to have both sides of the coin in one go.’ He uses the example of telling someone that they have both extrovert and introvert sides. He argues that these traits ‘cancel each other out’ but can be disguised as a personal hit when really, they can be applied to any old Tom, Dick or Harry.

The question is did I experience any cold reading when I went to see either psychic? I had not watched the interview or researched cold reading prior to my visits, as I wanted to go in with an open mind. Brown says that how you feel about the accuracy of your reading usually depends on whether you go in as a believer or a sceptic; the believer will do everything they can to grab at what is being said. I went in as a fence sitter; I am aware that some psychics are merely tricksters who ‘comfort’ their clients with lie after lie, encouraging them to part with wads of their hard earned cash. I am also aware that people I know have had psychic predictions come true.

Psychic number one was recommended to me by my mum’s friend. I was asked for my first name and star sign. When I turned up I realised that she was the mum of somebody I had gone to primary and secondary school with. She already knew some things about me – a problematic start.

She started to talk about my personality, saying that I could be impulsive and outspoken, but although I come across as a very confident and happy person, I am sometimes sad on the inside. She said that people don’t ask how I am because they always assume that I am okay; while some people build walls, I build a ‘wall then a moat then a river’. She said that I needed to stop being one of the lads (true – male friends, I blame you), stop giving mixed signals to guys and not assume that they are all out to hurt me. She then went on to remark that I shouldn’t be so trusting of people and that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. Initially, I thought this sounded very much like me, but in hindsight, this appears to be a case of extrovert/introvert. Don’t we all put on fronts from time to time, haven’t we all been hurt and don’t we all experience happiness and sadness?

Despite this, she did go on to talk about people and situations in my life that I’m sure she could not have known about. Of course, there were some things which didn’t ring completely true, but there were a lot that did. The thing that I found most intriguing was that these things also cropped up in the second reading. Both of the psychics spoke about a car I was going to buy with money left or given to me, further study, a role in the communications industry, different job opportunities and travel, a particular friend from the past who was going to make a reappearance in my life and moving into my new house, where someone was going to try and take money from me. The second psychic (who didn’t know me and asked only for my first name), gave me instructions as to where to hide my money and most treasured possessions; a thief was going to break into my room. She was able to describe the area that I was moving to and the people in it. In addition, both of the psychics mentioned a young friend or relation who pregnant and were able to tell me things about their future once the baby was born. My younger cousin is due this week. They even agreed on the smaller details, telling me that I would chip or break a tooth and that I needed to get my eyes tested.

The second psychic did not tell me anything about my personality, but instead simply told me about my past, present and future. She was able to give the hair colours and initials of the people she was speaking about, as well as their relation to me. She was able to tell me about the men I would encounter in my life, the countries I would visit, the friends I would keep and the new relationships I would form. She told me that she knew I would be making a trip to the North of England soon – low and behold, I’m coming back to Manchester. She knew I was studying without me having to reveal anything about myself and she told me that I had a talent for language. I’m an English student. She was also able to tell me that I wouldn’t become a journalist; I am an honest person and it would go against my grain to be told to write untruths. She then went on to say that she could envisage me teaching or giving training to a group of people in the future. I was really spun out when she told me about my future husband, giving me his initial, an idea of his profession and talking about our wedding and three (THREE!!!) children. I was also warned that I will have a psychic experience myself later in life. Eery!

I am still a fence sitter after my experience; although it seemed positive that both psychics talked about similar things, I will have to see if any of their predictions become true before I can call myself a believer. After child number three, I might be convinced!

Dana Fowles

Dana Fowles

TWEETING @DanaFowles By day: Lifestyle editor at The Mancunion, aspiring women’s magazine journalist. By night: Lover of gay men and Canal St, prone to believing I am Beyonce on the d floor (embarrassing).

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