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Year: 2013

Live: Local Natives / Cloud Control / Breton

27th October



It’s a strange feeling when you walk away from a gig feeling that the headline act wasn’t as good as the bands which were supporting them on the night. In Local Natives’ defence the support bands are both established acts, with Cloud Control having just released their second album, and Breton on the cusp of releasing their second early next year.

Breton open the show with previous singles ‘Edward the Confessor’ and ‘Interference’. They have a unique sound, which is a blend between the sombre tones of Foals, and elements of electro from Hot Chip. We are treated to a few more pulsating grooves from their first album, but not before Breton play their recent single ‘Get Well Soon’, and another song from their upcoming second album. The new songs have a lush disco feel, with a driving funky bass and steel drums. Yes, steel drums. They can’t help but whet our appetites for album two.

Next up are Cloud Control. Most of the seven songs the four piece from Australia play are from their recent second album. Their unique psychedelic sound is built up of harmonic vocals, which are especially prevalent in ‘Dojo Rising’, and ‘Scar’. Luckily they haven’t completely turned their backs on their previous material, and they finish by playing ‘Gold Canary’, and ‘There’s Nothing in the Water’.

By this point the Ritz is filling up, and anticipation for the Local Natives is rising. When they come on, they play a set heavy with material from their second album, but it is songs from their first album, such as ‘World News’, featuring a cappella vocals and tight, jangly guitars, and ‘Warning Signs’, that bring the biggest reception from the crowd. However, while Local Natives have a good sound, few of their songs are big tunes which stand out from the rest. Luckily the Natives save the day by leaving their best songs such as ‘Camera Talk’, ‘Airplanes’ and ‘Sun Hands’ until the end, which revives the set and gets the crowd going. It’s just a shame they couldn’t have kept this energy going throughout the set.

Interview: London Grammar

London Grammar have had a busy year, from uploading their first single ‘Hey Now’ to YouTube in December 2012, then getting signed and releasing their debut studio album If You Wait this September, reaching No.2 in the UK charts. The London based group’s music has been described as a ‘blend of ambient, ethereal and classical sounds’, with Hannah Reid’s powerful vocals, Dan Rothman’s melancholic guitar and Dot Major’s electronic percussion and piano. I got speaking to Dan in the middle of their sound check for their Manchester gig at Sound Control, on the 27th of October.

‘It’s been crazy’ exclaims guitarist Dan, ‘at first it was really casual, me and Hannah met in our first year in halls at Nottingham University, and just played covers in clubs and bars. We then met Dot about a year and a half later and started making more of our own music, and then just as we were about to graduate we got spotted. At this stage we had no fan base whatsoever so we just decided to go ahead and make an album. Even when we got signed no one knew about us at all, so we started from the beginning and put out the first song online, and since then it has really taken off’.

Although it sounds like an overnight success, Dan seemed to have had his fair share of trial and error before London Grammar set sail. ‘I was in bands before and getting signed was all that was on my mind. If you just concentrate on the music and forget about it all, you know, someone will find you,’ advised Dan. ‘I always wanted to do music, however I had to give up on the idea of wanting to become a musician when I was 20 and thought maybe I’d just work in the industry, with record companies, and I fucking hated it. Then I started the band with Hannah just for fun, and funnily enough it finally happened.’ Studying Economics at University you wouldn’t think that this would have been where Dan would find himself, ‘I just thought music literally wasn’t going to happen so was like right let’s get a real job. I felt like I had to be a realist about it, I love music but I wouldn’t forgo not having any success in anything, just to be a struggling musician, which a lot of people would probably criticise me for, but that’s genuinely how I felt. I met my girlfriend and two of the most talented musicians I’ll ever meet, so it really worked out for the best in the end’.

Over the summer London Grammar were featured on many festival line ups including Glastonbury, ‘I had never even been before so to play there was amazing, if you can get tickets you have to go! However a particular favourite of mine was Wilderness festival in Oxford, the sister festival of the Secret Garden Party. It wasn’t overly big, but it’s getting bigger. We actually missed our set and had to play later as we had so much fun exploring the festival.’ At Bestival, Hannah came on stage and sang their track ‘Help Me Lose my Mind’ with Disclosure. ‘Collaborating with Disclosure was always kind of expected because of Hannah’s voice, and our managers knew each other, and with their popularity they boosted our name in a really positive way. What Disclosure have done is incredible, they have a fan base of young people that is just unparalleled. At Bestival it was crazy seeing thousands of teenagers just fucking losing it, our adrenaline was pounding when we played on the same stage just before’.

The band are currently in the middle of a huge tour, however Dan suggests that they feel much more at home in the studio. ‘We’re not really built for the road, like some rock bands are. Hannah tires a lot especially with her voice, however she is improving and getting a lot stronger. It’s weird because we were in the studio for so long, over eighteen months making the record, I think now being on the road, for the first time really, it’s still kind of exciting. I’m sure in six months time I’ll probably be busting to get back into the studio!‘ Before starting their UK leg of the tour London Grammar had been on the road in the USA. ‘I love travelling, it’s incredible fun. Just seeing people singing along to our songs in places you never expected is just amazing. Being on the road we unfortunately don’t get much time to actually visit where we have performed, for example in San Francisco we played a gig and left and that was it, however in Chicago we had the whole day off and got to explore.’

Frequently compared to The XX and Florence and the Machine, London Grammar have produced a very unique style, bringing minimalist and electronic melodies together, with a souring, magical voice. ‘Initially we didn’t have similar tastes, and would argue a lot about music’, laughed Dan, ‘it’s only really been over time that we’ve became more aligned with our tastes. When I first met Dot for example we were poles apart, which was great in a way as we brought many different influences to the table. Groups like Radiohead, The National and Little Dragon we all really love. At the moment I have played Half Moon Run’s album Dark Eyes to death, it’s great. This pretty unknown band called Tripwires are also fucking amazing, if you like grungey sort of music you should definitely check them out, their album’s called Space Hopper, advised Dan.

Keep your eyes peeled this year for London Grammar, they have plenty of stops left on their UK tour; and their album is a must listen!

Live: Washed Out

22nd October



It’s pretty smoky in Gorilla on a dark and rainy Tuesday evening. The final support act sips his cocktail of beer and orange juice, assuring us it’s a “pretty decent combination”, and whacks on another house beat. The scattering of live vocals and trumpet keeps us sane for just long enough. Finally Washed Out clamber on to the stage, seemingly out of nowhere, and launch into Paracosm’s first track “It All Feels Right” – of which it does, for the first few minutes. It’s tropical and ambient yet the crowd are statues. The cold, dead, terracotta/paisley army of hipsters must be to blame as the set descends into a wall of sound for the next forty minutes. The shoegazey-rhythmic blowout is usually a good laugh, but it doesn’t suit Washed Out. Forget the distortion and the blasting, they should be about the tranquil, the serene; and I just don’t hear it.

The drums murmur an underlying groove which is definitely enough to bite into, but the array of Korgs scattered around the stage too-easily drown out everything else. Greene, birther of the Washed Out brainchild, seems too acclimatised to the bedroom DJ sets and doesn’t use the backing band effectively enough.

There is potential though, as the set begins to become clearer and more focussed, as if the water in the ears has escaped or the smoke has lifted and pulled with it the spirit of the music. I, and maybe even the crowd, really enjoyed the last quarter of the gig and I felt that Washed Out deserve another chance, when it isn’t cold or damp. They deserve the outdoors and the summer, or at least a better sound system. Maybe then the band’s ambitious and vivid sound won’t feel so washed out.

Shimmer chic

‘Tis the season to glitter, sparkle and shine. With this seasons futuristic, metallic trend you can do just that. From shiny shoes to full-length embellished dresses in metallic hues of pink, green, silver and gold, there is something metallic for everyone this season.


Not all metallic have to be gaudy and garish. These mint green metallic loafers give a subtle nod to the trend without being too much. They are sensible and practical enough to wear all day everyday, as well as making a unique going out flat shoe.  Not only are they practical and comfortable but also they are pretty enough to be a Christmas decoration in themselves. Wear them for day with black skinny jeans and an oversized jumper. Alternatively, wear them with denim shorts and this season’s silky camisole for a casual but evening Christmas look. You can’t say no now, they are even in the sale!


Metallic clothing can make a daytime look spring to life and that doesn’t mean it has to be ultra shiny or glittery. This chiffon metallic top can be worn for day and night to add a subtle sheen to an otherwise bland and boring outfit. The plain colour makes it wearable and versatile. This season is all about texture so layer it up with a leather skirt and furry jacket. Or how about wearing the metallic t-shirt with this season’s checked trousers for ultimate fashion brownie points. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t have to be trend on trend. Even once Christmas is over you’ll be able to wear it tucked in to denim jeans for a fashionable casual look.

Don’t be scared of this statement metallic skirt. Plastic, coated fabrics are key this season and this skirt encompasses this as well as the metallic trend.  The pencil skirt shape makes sure that you stay elegant and feminine whilst the silver colour and metallic effect keeps you bang on trend. If you’re not feeling silver, Topshop have the skirt on offer in many colour variations to suit you. This seasons pink jumper would work great to keep it a girly but casual look or wear it sports style with a sweatshirt and trainers. Rock it up by night by wearing it with a black crop top and leather jacket.


Metallic dresses may have you thinking of fairies, princesses and Christmas angels but this metallic and velvet dress from ASOS is sophisticated and cool.  Velvet is a must have fabric in the Christmas season and this purple velvet dress with gold metallic flecks is the height of luxury metallic dressing. This dress is bound to get heads turning at your Christmas party worn with plan black sandals or even matching gold metallic shoes. Don’t be scared to wear it by day either, wear it with black tights, ankle boot and a chunky scarf for a statement Christmas daytime outfit. It’s in the sale now so be quick.

Should we still wear the poppy?


Shanda Moorghen

On the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the First World War officially came to an end. It marked the conclusion of five years of conflict which culminated in approximately nine million deaths.

On this day, for the past 90 plus years, Remembrance Day has been celebrated in honour of those who died in all the wars down the years. The red poppy worn by millions during this period embodies the idea of having gone through that tragedy. As the poem ‘In Flanders’ suggests, through the destruction of war, the red poppies managed to grow and shine through.

However, in recent times, the red poppy has been much more than a symbol in the United Kingdom. The Royal British Legion organises the distribution of red poppies throughout the country in exchange for donations in name of the Poppy Appeal. Almost everyone including politicians, celebrities and even the Royal Family wear the red poppy during that period. The money from the Poppy Appeal goes into providing financial, social, political and emotional support to those who have served or who are currently serving in the British Armed Forces.

Even though some view this as a pro-war propaganda, the red poppy only suggests the reality of contemporary international relations. Troops are essential in ensuring political and economic stability throughout the globe and it is only logical that fellow countrymen contribute in giving them every chance of doing their job properly and returning home safely.

Furthermore, for many soldiers, coming back home and the return to reality can be very hard. The charities benefitting from the Poppy Appeal help largely in rehabilitating those men and women who have served so that we can sleep in peace.

But, many argue that the wearing of the red poppy is only a seasonal fashion trend that induces patriotism for a few weeks. It is obviously the case for a part of the population, but general awareness is increasing in recent years, and all in all, at least the money goes to the charities.

Another objection to that practice is the idea that the red poppy glorifies wars that have mercilessly killed so many millions.  On the contrary, it honours their spirit and mourns their loss.

War is such a cruel mistress but in the end, only the greater good prevails. Sacrifices have been made, tears have been shed, blood has been spilt and lives have been lost but the troops that have left us along the way have brought a whole new safer and better world for us to live in and the troops nowadays continue doing so.

“If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders fields.”

Red poppies have grown through land ravaged by war and will most probably survive the ordeal of contemporary critics.



Nathan Khadaroo

Poppies are spreading faster than the rumour of a flu and I’m not happy about it at all. Why? Because I believe war is the absolute worst thing that there can be and there is no glory to be found in it.

Almost every war in history has involved countless beautiful young people getting blown/hacked/shot to pieces by other young beautiful people, usually because a small bunch of over-privileged cowards told them it was a glorious, necessary thing to do.

But that’s just the beginning. Soldiers have raped, tortured and murdered civilians in pretty much every single war that has ever happened. The bad guys do it, the ‘good guys’ do it. Whenever we decide to send out our troops into another dubious war for another dubious reason, they will do some pretty inhumane, unthinkable things. And they will be doing them in our name. Conflict is always dirty and when a Government send it’s troops to war, they are tacitly sanctioning all the untold acts and immeasurable misery that will ensue.

But, isn’t this all about remembering the dead? Sadly it is not. This years Royal Legion slogan is “Shoulder to Shoulder with all who serve”. This isn’t about the dead, this is about the armed forces. In every war since WWI civilians have constituted the majority of deaths.

The last major survey in Iraq put the civilian death toll at nearly half a million, a number of death’s I find hard to even conceive. If this was about remembering the dead then maybe they would get a bit more of a mention than the 179 British troops who have died there.

And what of all those who fought genuinely believing that the world would be a freer place for all? What would they think of today, with our troops in deeply unpopular wars all around the globe and the Remembrance Poppy rapidly becoming little more than a fashion symbol?

Next year will see the 100th anniversary of that infamous bloodbath that at the time was naively dubbed the “War to end war”, it will also see the immeasurable suffering of innocents because we never did end war.

We may never forget the dead of the World Wars but we are already forgetting the lessons they would have us remember and that is truly worrying and something we should keep in mind before deciding to send our troops off to die in another pointless war because we, essentially, feel like it.

My Political Hero: Malala Yousafzai

In a world of consumption and egocentric interest, it is difficult to look beyond oneself when making choices in life. Some might not even have to make significant choices until they turn 18 but for some life is different. In early 2009, at the very young age of 12, Malala Yousafzai started writing a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC describing her life under Taliban rule, their attempts to take control of the Swat valley through intimidation, and her views on promoting education for girls. This would change her life and ours with it.

As she became a prominent spokesperson for the equal right of education for girls, she quickly started to attract the attention of Western campaigners and the wrath of the Taliban authorities.

The number of girls in primary schools in the Swat valley is now on the rise – from 86,000 in 2010 to 127,000 this year, according to the local education department. This gradual progress stemmed largely from Yousafzai’s interviews, the Taliban marked her off for reprisal.  On 9 October 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam. Asking for her by name, she was hit with one bullet, which went through her head, neck, and ended in her shoulder. She remained in critical condition for several days before being transferred to a hospital in Birmingham, England. The assassination attempt received widespread attention and condemnation.

But, she managed to make a full recovery after a few  surgical interventions. Having processed the shock of being on the verge of death, young Malala did not crumble in fear. She wanted to continue her fight and now that she had the attention of the whole world, she knew it was not time to give in to the Taliban.

Thus started her international journey to promote education and give a message of peace. Yousafzai addressed the UN Youth Assembly on her 16th birthday and called for improvements in global education. “One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first,” stated Malala Yousoufzai to rapturous applause from the audience and a subsequent standing ovation from the likes of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown.  The UN has declared her birthday, July 12, as “Malala Day”. Called to various media platforms, she managed to give a poignant and emotional speech each and every time. She was voted by TIME magazine as one of the most influential women in the world and was widely tipped to win the Nobel Peace Prize despite eventually losing to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

At 16, Malala Yousafzai is the voice of a generation, a generation hiding in fear, a generation that has seen countless acts of cruelty and one that wants to grow and learn. Her message of promoting education above and foremost has received wide critical acclaim. The ‘I am Malala’ proposal is a testament to the importance that her words have garnered. Political hero to me and symbol of hope and faith for millions of youngsters, Malala Yousafzai remains one of the most important figures of the last five years and intends to influence many more.

Bambi & Manson – our favourite British designers

Bambi and Manson are a boyfriend and girlfriend duo… Polly O’Connell (Bambi) and Jim Cubitt (Manson). Polly is a lover of thrift, carboot shopping, pugs, Hollywood glam, trashy Tv, dancing till dawn, romance and dying my hair! Jim’s love of his life (other than Polly of course) is music and he’s also the front man of his band.

They  started in London moved to Berlin- and now are back in the UK for the next chapter in our story! To date they have collaborated with True Religion for Selfridges, been seen in Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, Grazia, Glamour, Ok! Magazine and more! Seen on the peaches of the likes of Millie Mackintosh, Alexis Krauss, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Bip Ling, Nina Nesbitt, Alana Haim to name a few!

Bambi and Manson was made with girls like me Polly mind- who likes to have fun with fashion-  The range runs from sizes XS-XL – Every girl should own a pair of BAMS!

Bambi and Manson was born because basically I lived in denim shorts and wanted some pimped ones but couldn’t find any in the UK (that was three years ago- you can’t move for them now, which is why we have to keep pushing our creativity with it to try make sure ours are unique!)– so made my own… started to sell on Ebay – and the response was really good so dragged Jim in to take it to the next level. I had a label when I was a bit younger and said I probably wouldn’t do it again but it kinda just happened and now I can’t stop  –  I’m a bit obsessed tbh!


The label is really about us so everything is taken from what myself and Jim love, he’s obsessed with skateboarding (hence his arm’s in a cast atm!!) & music and I’m obsessed with pop culture and pretty things- so we basically mesh the two- I love things to be really pretty with a grungy edge. Jim’s side brings the kinda West coast influence- so it’s like a mix of movies like Dogtown and Z-boys and clueless! Style icons? hmmm for me I’ve always been a bit obsessed with Atlanta de Cadenet’s style- and used to spend hours trawling through blogs of her- she sort of nailed that pretty grunge thing. For Jim- I would guess (he’s in Berlin atm so i‘m answering for him!) ppl like Julian Casablancas of The Strokes or Micheal Jackson (joking!) I’m not sure, Jim does his own thing really but has a really good style – he’s got a good eye at car boots and charity shops for little gems! (one of the many reasons why I love him!)

Some of our personal highlights from the B&M journey so far have been things like- the exclusive range for True Religion in Selfridges was awesome- I love it when we can have an excuse to get all our friends together to celebrate cos they kinda have to come, so thats part of my drive – achieve more so I can see all my friends together!- I also love making shorts for Alexis Krauss- she’s SUCH a babe- her and Derek are awesome and sorted us out backstage festival tickets for Primavera – they are brilliant so becoming friends with her was a highlight as she’s so humble and appreciative even though she’s so super talented- she’s deffo an inspiration! You know, anytime we get a feature in one of the UK fashion mags – it’s really exciting- I’ve grown up reading them so it makes my week when we’re featured in one- there’s loads of highlights really!

We get asked what we think works about the brand…maybe it’s the team- myself and Jim work really well together- he’s really organised and gets shit done- he’s also so creative. I’m much more scatty and procrastinate loads and runway with ideas- so I think maybe we compliment each other- we are also really lucky to have a great IT guy, an amazing business advisor, awesome manufacturers and brilliant seamstresses- (Alex in particular makes my life so much easier) without which we wouldn’t be where we are! I think also we try to be as honest as we can about who we are- and maybe people relate to one or both of us in some way- we’re not some super trendy rich couple- we’re just a couple trying to make something we love doing work!


My advice for anyone setting up a label would be work as hard as you possibly can, BE NICE to people, and keep trying to move forward with designing. It can be super amazing at times and then super hard and stressful- hold your nerve!

The celeb girls peaches who have adorned BAMS have done us proud!! Our ultimate BAMGirl would be – Kate moss. But not sure I can see her in pimped denims!

If we could collaborate with any other brand it would probably Wildfox as they are a huge inspiration! And our mates over at Terrible movement- they have an awesome t-shirt brand repped by the likes of Queen Cara Delevigne – they are a supercool couple currently based in Berlin and fully guilt  and sweatshop free- so no overworked underpaid children involved whatsover! so who knows perhaps a collab will be on the cards! They are deffo worth checking out!

The future for BAM? I mean I’d love it to just keep growing- and getting better- we are moving onto new products for Spring Summer next year which is really exciting, we’ve got cute dresses, two pieces, sweaters and jackets coming- so we’re working really hard on that right now- who knows what will happen- just enjoying the ride!!

See for yourself at: 

Men’s makeup: eMANcipation?

On November 15th 1994 a man called Mark Simpson started a small, perfectly groomed revolution. He was the first person to write in print about the ‘meterosexual man’. Fast forward nearly 20 years and the meterosexual man is everywhere. For those of you who have no idea what I am on about (where have you been?) let me provide a definition for you, the meterosexual man “is especially meticulous about his grooming and appearance, typically spending a significant amount of time and money on shopping”. The poster boy for this revolution was undoubtedly David Beckham, possibly the most beautiful man who ever played the beautiful game. He was straight and yet unashamedly wore a sarong, a head scarf, painted his nails and changed his hairstyle as often as he changed his football boots. On an everyday level, you wouldn’t think twice about a man wearing gel in his hair, or lusting after a perfectly tailored suit, or even carrying a manbag. And yet, why is society so shocked, even opposed, to the idea of men wearing make up?

Instagram: @hrhdhs74

I will be the first to admit that a touch of concealer has saved me on numerous occasions, whether it’s been to help me pretend to my lecturers that I haven’t been out drinking ‘til 4am or just to cover up an unpleasant looking blemish. Men should have the same opportunity to ‘fake it’ as well as we do, a spot of manscara, guyliner, guylashes, why not?  Surely this is the next step for the 21st century meterosexual man?

Head into your nearest Superdrug or Selfridges and it becomes clear that there is no shortage of male cosmetic products on the market. Only last month did Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs both bring out new make up ranges for men, with the latter proclaiming, “witness my brow and my luscious lips”. Tom Ford also told GQ that “Most straight actors I know get quite used to it. Even when they go out in real life they grab some sort of bronzer and they throw it on”. Although this may be a progressive step towards blurring the lines (…in the words of another controversial Metero man) of gendered fashion, most of the guys I spoke to said they had no desire or patience for “luscious lips”, but said they had no problem with guys who did. However sales of men’s make up would paint a similar picture. It would appear most men aren’t (yet) so made up about the idea of male make up.

Made in Britain

The closing ceremony of the London Olympic Games in 2012 was called a ‘Symphony of British Music’ and showcased the brilliance of British music from every rock, pop and hip hop sensation this tiny island of ours has produced. However there was also a segment dedicated to an equally important and influential aspect of British culture- fashion, and more specifically supermodels. As Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss led the fashion pack down the runway to the sounds of David Bowie’s ‘Fashion’, there was no denying that British models have been as important in British culture as have our musicians, actors, comedians and designers.

Obviously the Kate Moss’s and Naomi Campbell’s may not have contributed to British culture or history in the same way as say, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton or William Shakespeare. But it would be foolish to underestimate the power of a pair of cheekbones and a supermodel strut. Think back to images of the swinging sixties and up there with (arguably the greatest British cultural export of all time) the Beatles, was a model by the name of Twiggy. Her waif, androgynous mod look became globally famous and an editorial of Vogue in 1967 described her as an “extravaganza that made the look of the 60’s.” Twiggy came to be the face of an era and showed that supermodels could be international pop-culture icons in their own right. Since then it is fair to say; no model has proven this to be true more than Kate Moss. Much like Twiggy was the face of the 60’s, Kate Moss was undoubtedly the face of the 1990’s and the ‘heroine chic’ movement. Although renowned for her high profile relationships, hard partying ways and a minor drugs scandal, she is also one of the most successful models to have ever lived. Having appeared on over 300 magazine covers since 1988, and 30 times on British Vogue alone, she is ranked no.2 on Forbes highest paid models. Naomi Campbell also secured her position in history as being the British representative of the ‘Supers’, no not a political convention, but the moniker given to THE four supermodels of the ‘90’s Claudia, Naomi, Linda and Christy. All of these women are as relevant today as they were in their heyday, but now they have the likes of Rosie Huntington Whitely, Jourdan Dunn and Lily Cole joining them, as well as probably the world’s most famous male model David Gandy.

Us Brits (yes, let’s include you and I in this- it’s a group effort) have a knack to producing supermodels who not only represent the biggest brands in the world, but in many respects become bigger than the brand. Flick through the pages of any fashion magazine and chances are you will come across the latest model icon of our generation, Cara ‘big brows’ Delevigne. Sure, these girls have breathtaking beauty on their side, but in order to become an icon of a generation it takes a lot more than just a pretty face. As the founding father of the Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin said, “the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well”, our models have fought well.

A celebration of British Fashion

The Winter trends of this year have officially been unwrapped and once again encompass the traditional roots of our British Heritage. Squares, checks and tartans of all colours have become Winter’s definitive prints, paying homage to our nineties nostalgia. Androgynous mixes of punk rebellion clothing, set contrastingly alongside the pale pink pallets of our traditional English Roses, are what makes British Fashion so exciting. From the iconic Burberry trench coat to the waxy wardrobe staple of the Barbour jacket, from the Hunter Welly to the tweed jacket; the English Heritage trend has always been popular on and off the catwalk, each year reinforced by the likes of Alexa Chung and Kate Moss (and then copied by the rest of the word!)

From these iconic British cover-ups (thanks to the characteristically wet weather) to the equally iconic yellow stitching, the rise of the Doc Marten boot is now quintessential of British Fashion and has been adored by punks and persons alike since the 1960s. We also have Glastonbury to thank for the distinctive festival style that has made wellies, fringed kimonos and glitter the style staples of our summers, not to mention the ‘just got out of bed messy hair that actually took me two hours’ hair-do. Today we also uphold our rich tradition of DIY fashion, embellishing old denim jackets, studding leather, ripping jeans; just as our ancestors did with the safety pins of the punk era.

Not only do us Brits have original ownership of these trends, our little island produces some of the most innovative fashion designers in the world to add to our ever-growing collection of British styles. With British designers such as, Vivienne Westwood, notable for starting the punk and new wave trends (alongside Malcolm McLaren), Alexander McQueen, Mary Katrantzou and Giles Deacon; it is no wonder why British style is paving the way for fashion innovation elsewhere in the world.

British fashion offers such a vast palette of distinctive styles – from sleek tailoring to grungy knitwear, prominent patterns to pastel coloured separates – anything goes in a country where great style is everywhere but nonetheless inspiring wherever you find yourself.

Burberry trench coat.




Church for Atheists

It’s a Wednesday night and I’m in a small room, whose walls are stacked with prayer books.  The people around me all seem to be in good spirits despite the miserable autumnal weather outside.

‘Hit it, Maestro!’ cries the church leader, sweeping his arms excitedly in to the air.  The opening strains of the first song begin to plonk from the piano. A joyful, upbeat number to which the congregation start to sway and clap, with smiles abounding and ripples of awkward laughter echoing around the room.

This is no ordinary church service. The hymn sheet makes no mention of ‘All things bright and beautiful’, or ‘Jerusalem’. We’re singing ‘Celebration’, by Kool and the Gang.

Growing up in a strongly Christian family, I’ve been to many Church services throughout my life. Some of these experiences have made me cynical and skeptical when it comes to organised beliefs and religion, yet I’m open to sincerity when I see it. I’ve seen a fair cross section of what you might experience in the contemporary Christian church. From believers screaming and collapsing as they are ‘touched by the spirit’ and vicious blazing rows between believers due to disagreements, to touching talks by severely disabled thalidomide victims, and altruistic types sacrificing their entire lives for the benefit of others less fortunate. But between the extremities of the two poles, there is always the one uniting feature: a belief in ‘God’.

This, however, was different. It was like decaffeinated coffee: the taste was very similar but you just know something is missing. Yet, unlike coffee, this service was not any worse off for it’s deficit. This church is part of a growing movement which describes itself as a ‘godless congregation that celebrates life’.

Manchester’s inaugural ‘Sunday Assembly’ met on the 30th October, at the Cross Street Unitarian chapel. If you’ve not yet come across the movement, it was the product of the comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, who together launched the first Sunday Assembly in North London in order to ‘live better, help often, wonder more’. Since then, as they describe, it ‘went a bit viral’. The concept has now spread globally with Jones and Evans currently embarked upon a ‘40 dates and 40 nights’ missionary tour launching new Assemblies worldwide.

For the most part, the Assembly does mimic a conventional church service: congregational songs are sung, an address of sorts, a moment for quiet reflection is encouraged, a collection is taken. Yet the Assembly filters out the divisive issue of belief and religion, but emphasises the importance of community and fellowship.

As the service opened, anticipation created an excitable tension in the room lending great enthusiasm to the first ‘Hymn’. Whilst the spirit was there, charmingly the musicality certainly was not. After mumbling through the verses that no one knew and then hollering through the chorus, all seemed enthused and in high spirits. As one witty member of the congregation quipped ‘this is a bit like Karaoke!’. The next item on the order of service featured poetry from performance poet and writer Tony Walsh. He delivered his verses in a typically halting ‘poetic’ style, but I was put off by the fact that the poetry that had been chosen seemed to be loaded with sentiments such as ‘Learn the answers, teach the questions’, ‘sleep as long as you like, just be awake more’ or ‘everyday may end with Y, but should begin with Why not?’. On its own I’m sure the poetry carries its weight, but in this setting it risked teetering in to twee motivational truisms. As the poetry drew to a close, Colin Parry (of the charity Foundation for Peace) gave a short but moving speech about the death of his son in the IRA attack on Warrington in 1993. Inspiring as this speech could have been, Parry offered little depth about the events or their fallout, instead offering the opportunity to purchase a book about it.

After a rendition of Take That’s ‘Shine’, Sanderson Jones took to centre stage to offer the ‘address’. In keeping with the imbued theme of ‘beginnings’ he spoke for a short time about his personal experiences, confessing that he was someone who ‘failed’ often. But the atmosphere in the chapel became a little uncomfortable as he was humorously relayed a story of how he had once unwittingly adopted the first half of an IRA slogan (‘We only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always’) as his attitude towards finding success in starting new ventures. It seemed as if Jones was torn between a new ‘churchlike’ leader figure, and his standup routine. I’m all for laughter in church (Indeed, I believe it would greatly benefit many a service), but it felt that any attempt towards any depth was cut short by the introduction of levity.

Whilst the mainstream media has coined the oxymoron ‘atheist church’, this is hardly a fair description of the proceedings. Many of those I spoke were not explicitly atheist and often came from slightly unconventional routes to spirituality – a young woman brought up in an Irish Protestant family, a Unitarian lay preacher,  a middle aged woman brought up in the Church of England, who moved through Buddhism and now identifies herself as a Quaker. The Sunday Assembly prides itself on a lack of doctrine or set texts, other than basic human existence. As a result, everyone is welcome. Celebrating ‘life’, is open to any one, and as their website states, at the Assembly they ‘don’t do supernatural, but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do’.

But is the celebration of ‘life’ a suitable anchor to hold fast the movement? The Sunday Assembly is not the first such occurrence of such a movement, as has been highlighted in many articles in the surrounding hype. In an article in the Guardian, Nick Spencer (Director of studies at the Theos Think Tank) describes how similar movements appeared in the late 19th Century in response to a surge in atheism, but quickly disappeared again. “You need more than an absence to keep you together,” Spencer says, “You need a firm common purpose”.

It is potentially due to the fact that this was the first meeting, however, the service itself felt very light on actual content or depth, relying instead quite heavily on jokes and throw away ‘wisdom’ soundbites. Whilst this was by no means dull, it is questionable how much mileage remains in such a strategy, especially with nothing specific to bind the believers, bar their existence.

Towards the end of his sermon, and the close of the evening, Sanderson spoke of how, since starting the Assembly, many had come to him and Pippa expecting them to have all the answers. He remarked that ‘One of the main reasons I wanted to start the [the Sunday Assembly] was because I had so many questions’. This offered a refreshing alternative to most conventional, ‘mainstream’ churches or religions who draw people in with the dubious claim of having the answers, the truth of life, or a raison d’être.

Personally, I subscribe to the idea that religions are all doors to the same room, that there is no universal truth because your conception of ‘life’ depends greatly on your perspective and upbringing. The Sunday Assembly seems to acknowledge this attitude and celebrates the unknown, the sometimes confusing journey of life. It promises no greater truths, or insights, or deities, and it doesn’t attempt to offer them. They sum it up with the rather bittersweet ‘We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together’. Though this first meeting was a little scarce when it came to depth and risked looking like a new platform for the founders comedy, this burgeoning community does offer an interesting network of open minded people, who have all approached the venture with welcoming hearts and outstanding Victoria sponge. Let’s hope that the joy of being alive is enough to unite them in the long run.

The next meeting of the Manchester Sunday Assembly will be at Victoria Baths on Hathersage Road (M13 0FE)  at 11am, December 8th. For more information visit 

Interview: Lord Adonis

“We are not recruiting enough of the brightest and best into the social work profession. That is the single biggest problem that we face in child protection and social work.”

Lord Adonis wants to change that.  He places the failure to attract the top talent into the social work profession as the key problem in a profession that has come under much criticism lately.

Frontline, is a new graduate scheme that uses the Teach First model to recruit the next generation of social workers. Adonis, who worked with and supported the development of Teach First, is confident that Frontline can help solve care work’s recruitment problems.

“Frontline is seeking to attract final year students and young graduates who are both, academically successful, who have got 2:1s or Firsts but also have the personal skills and enthusiasm to be able to be successful social workers.

”This is a new scheme with intensive training and support, the commitment is only to stay in the social work profession for two years. So it makes it possible for participants to move onto another career if participants wish to do so, but equally if people get hooked and there’s a good chance they will, then of course this is a great way into the profession for a longer period too.”

Frontline was founded when Josh MacAlister, who was a Teach First alumnus, contacted Lord Adonis with the idea. Together they developed the plan and pitched it to the Department for Education, who embraced it. This year they are offering 100 places and have already had over 500 applications and 3,400 expressions of interest.

Adonis, who served as a minister in the last Labour Government, has had a hand in everything from the academies programme to HS2. Serving as Chair of the Frontline board, Adonis knows more than anyone the importance of social work. Raised within the care system, Adonis understands the difference a care worker can make.

“Social workers are absolutely crucial to the life chances of children in care. There are the agents of the state and community. They take decisions everyday in respect to education, in respect to court proceedings, in respect to relations with guardians, parents or other adults who feature in the lives of children in care, which determine their whole future.

“It is very difficult to succeed as a child in care, unless you have the support of a good social worker. That’s where Frontline can make a big difference.”

Social care has come under a lot of criticism recently for failing to pick up cases of real abuse. Recent cases have shocked the public and no failure is greater than the death of four-year-old Hamzah Khan. Social workers failed to pick up on the shocking abuse as Hamzah was starved to death. It took 21 months for the authorities to discover Hamzah’s body; it was a damning indictment on the profession. Reforms are clearly needed, Adonis sees Frontline as a key part.

“The single biggest challenge is to recruit more and better social workers and that’s precisely what Frontline seeks to do. You can’t do it all alone but you can make a contribution.”

The recent social care scandals have threatened morale within the profession. Will Frontline improve morale?

“There’s a clear morale problem in the profession and raising the status is a big priority. Recruiting steadily more of the brightest and the best into the profession will make a big difference to the status of the profession and therefore improve its morale.”

One criticism of Teach First, was that it would lead to upper-middle class students going into areas of real deprivation without having first hand experience of poverty. Is this a danger with Frontline? Adonis casts doubt on these claims.

“Frontline has a rigorous selection process and is only going those who are going to be able to make a success of the role. Including dealing with challenging families and I’d expect Frontline entrants to come from all kinds of backgrounds, including some I’d expect to be graduates who are themselves in care when they were younger. ”

Social work is one of the most demanding jobs out there. According to a recent Randstad study, social workers are the mostly thinly spread of any profession with 54% saying, “They are working hard and cannot work any harder”.  It is clearly going to be a challenge to get affluent, sheltered graduates to opt for one of the most demanding jobs out there. Will they stick with scheme or will money be wasted as graduates drop out for less demanding work? Adonis sees Frontline as way of relieving pressures on currently overworked social workers.

”A big problem that social workers face is unfilled vacancies around them. Which adds enormously to workload and to pressure. If we can tackle this problem of recruitment and turnover, then that will significantly improve the working conditions for the profession at large and Frontline can play a role there.”

He also is confident, that while graduates are only committed for two years, many will stay on for much longer.

“It is a strong selling point of the programme that you are not locked in for the future. But, in practice I would suspect most Frontline participants would willingly stay for long than two years, because the programme is so good and the work is so rewarding.”

Whether Frontline will succeed is yet to be seen. The scheme was recently hit by a survey finding that 55% of social worked thought the scheme would have a negative impact on the quality of practice. But, with all three major parties backing the scheme and impressive recruitment, Frontline looks here to stay.


For information on how to apply to Frontline, visit their website:

Interview: Pixies

“We were assholes, that’s why we broke up – a bunch of fucking assholes, every single one of us. I think that’s the bottom line, I’ve finally figured it out (he laughs).” Pixies axeman Joey Santiago ruminates on the bands split following their last record Tromp Le Monde. “I could kind of tell we were going to split when we stopped appreciating what we were actually doing; how easy it was and how lucky we were to be doing it. I don’t know what the hell happened there, we didn’t even have family so what the fuck were we thinking – Jeez.”

More than 20 years after their last full length release, Pixies dropped EP-1 in September this year. Just three weeks into the project bassist Kim Deal left the band. “It was a complete shock. After three days of mourning we just rolled up our sleeves and thought about the economics of what we were doing. We booked seven weeks in the studio and we had four more left, all of us being New Englanders and working class you know we didn’t want to waste our money.”

“I think she wanted to move on, we thought about PJ Harvey (as a replacement).We were thinking about that for a while but just decided not to do it. Certainly we missed her backing vocals, if we were to put PJ Harvey in the mix it would have sounded …different” he laughs. “It’s whatever’s in the soup, we don’t know if it’s going to be a carrot or an onion. The basic thing is there, the song is there.”

 EP-1 is a slight departure from the raw production styling’s heard on previous works, making the EP hard to swallow for some fans initially. “Gil did that subconsciously I guess; by choosing him we knew we wanted a well-produced record. Who knows, I think the next recording we’re going to do is going to be a lot dirtier.”

“If we were to do another one I would bet on it that we would do a more, for the lack of a better word, grungier sound. It would be the obvious thing to do after coming out with a slick sounding record.”

The foundations for the Pixies were laid during University; divine forces put Joey and Charles in neighbouring suites. “He was a very funny, happy guy a lot of the time. He liked the way the bathroom sounded, he was in there with an acoustic one day and he just started spitting at the image of himself in the mirror, like a lot. I have no idea why, I think just to be funny because, he was laughing as he was doing it.”

The Pixies have been labelled one of the most influential bands in rock, inspiring countless grunge and alternative rock acts. Although often violent and chaotic in their execution, they were by no means strangers to the lighter side of music “‘Here Comes Your Man’ is straight up pop, we never wanted to identify by that song even though the video was really popular. We got invited to talk shows and they wanted us to play that song and we just wouldn’t go on, we didn’t play it live for a while either. I don’t know, we were afraid of the song – we thought that we couldn’t live up to its recording”

“We come across as your regular Joes and maybe that’s why people warmed to us, we didn’t dress like rock stars and I actually can’t do it, I couldn’t wear the outfit, the outfit would wear me. I wouldn’t even try it; I think the riffs are enough. In the grunge movement everyone dressed like regular people.”

Despite being hailed as innovators the band haven’t forgotten their influences, a subject that has become even more poignant following the death of Lou Reed. “Huge influence, I mean that’s one of the staples of what we listened to. I don’t know who said it so I’ll say it, I would never start a band with anyone who doesn’t like Lou Reed or The Velvet Underground, that’s almost a requirement, if you don’t get it then, nope – move on.”

Kim’s song writing rarely found its way onto record, a factor that may have influenced the recent departure.” Oh god I guess, but nothing was on the table. She certainly was invited to write songs when we went to Wales (to record) for some reason she didn’t do it. She might have felts jilted but at the same time, I don’t think we ever gave her a reason to get jilted because there was nothing on the table. We never restricted her in any way. We leave the door open; she could stroll in at any time.”

Performing on November 21st at the O2 Apollo, fans can’t help but feel the band might be lacking something without the iconic bassist. “I don’t know, “lacking” something (he ponders) – her attention to detail on playing the bass? I think her smile, people love her smile, it really is just a magical thing.”

For more information on EP-1 and the Pixies UK tour visit

MMU lecturer murder trial begins

The trial of the murder of lecturer Jifeng “Jeff” Ding, along with his wife and two children, has begun.

Anxiang Du, a previous business partner of Jifeng and his wife Helen, denies four counts of murder.

The prosecution has accused Mr. Du of stabbing Jifeng and Helen Ding to death in the kitchen, before going upstairs and killing Xing, 18, and Alice, 12, where they were “cowering in their bedroom”.

The jury at Northampton Crown Court has heard how a bloody fingerprint of Mr. Du was found at the scene, as well as footprints in blood around the house.

A 999 call made by Xing was played to the court, in which the screams of both girls are heard before the line went dead.

Evidence was also heard from a young girl playing near the house, who heard a “shriek” at the time of the murders but was unable to say if it was “a scream of anguish”.

The trial continues.

Students speak out against sexual harassment

Female students have spoken to The Mancunion about sexual assault and harassment that they have experienced in bars and clubs around Manchester.

Three girls, who wish to remain anonymous, have spoken of incidences of sexual harassment in a bid to draw attention to the ongoing problem in university cities.

This comes a time when societies in Sheffield and Leeds have dramatically stepped up efforts to try and prevent sexual harassment of students.

Jane, a third year student, told The Mancunion of sexual harassment she experienced at a club on Princess Street.

She was queuing for the toilets with a friend when a male student behind them began putting his hand up her friends skirt and grabbing her.

This happened two or three times before Jane confronted the man and told him to leave. He became aggressive and squared up to her, and when she refused to back down he grabbed her hair. In retaliation she hit the man, who hit her back before her friends managed to separate them.

The girls went to the bouncers to ask for help, but so did the male students who accused the girls of creating a fight out of nothing, and asked for them to be thrown out.

“We told the bouncers what had happened but they weren’t interested,” said Jane. “They just told us avoid them and go our separate ways.

“I was upset with the bouncers’ reaction and dismissal of the situation. Groping is a form of sexual assault, and then to physically attack me for protesting is outrageous.

“More should be done to protect women in clubs and these incidences should be taken more seriously by staff.”

This is an opinion which students in Leeds are beginning to act on.

A joint campaign by Leeds Feminist Society and the student paper is aiming to shut down the club night which hosted the infamous ‘Fresher’s Violation’ party: a night which boasted “pole dancers, a violation cage and lots of second and third years seeking out new freshers.”

‘Fresher’s Violation’ also used a promotion video which included a presenter asking a student “How are you going to violate a fresher tonight?”. The student replied, “She’s going to get raped.”

At the time of writing, their online petition has gathered almost 3,650 signatures and has drawn the attention of the local council and police.

Leeds FemSoc have also begun to push for clubs to train their staff to better deal with cases of sexual harassment, as well as signing a pledge against harassment and ensuring their advertising does not in any way seem to encourage it.

Lisa, a second year at Manchester, also spoke of sexual harassment she and her friends experienced at a different club on Princess Street.

She and two female friends were sitting in the smoking area for fresh air when a male student approached them asking for a cigarette. When they told him they did not have any, he became aggressive.

Lisa said: “He kept ranting about how girls like us think we’re too good for him when we’re not.”

He continued to stand over them and be aggressive for some time, and when the girls appealed to his friends for help they apologised for him but did not try to stop him, saying he was just drunk.

Eventually one of Lisa’s friends told the man to leave, and in response he took her drink from her and squeezed it, breaking the plastic cup and spilling the drink over her lap. He then threw the remains of it over the wall, swearing at her.

The girls reported what had happened to a bouncer, who “shrugged” and refused to act. Eventually, Lisa and her friends were so angry that they left the club to go somewhere else.

Lisa said: “I was really upset by what happened, but more upset by the bouncer’s response. It put an unnecessary downer on what should have been a good night.

“Bouncers are supposed to keep us safe, but he had no interest in what we were saying or our well-being.

“We found the whole experience so insulting that we left.”

However, sometimes the staff at clubs and bars are willing to act on cases against of sexual harassment.

Hannah, a fourth year student, told The Mancunion of an experience of sexual harassment she had at a bar in Withington.

She went for a quiet drink with two female friends. As they were stood ordering at the bar a group of men stood behind them and one of them, without warning, suddenly forcefully hit Hannah from behind.

Hannah described: “It was really painful, and in a quiet bar it made a loud noise and everyone turned around and looked.”

She added that she tried to stand up to the men, asking “excuse me?”, but they all laughed in her face.

“I felt humiliated. We sat down and didn’t even order our drinks because I was about to cry.”

However, in this occasion the staff did take action, and refused to serve the culprit until he had apologised.

He walked over to Hannah and, swearing at her, eventually said “sorry love” and told her to tell the barman he had apologised.

Hannah and her friends refused, and not long after the men were asked to leave the bar. As he left, the culprit banged on the glass next to Hannah and swore at her again through the window.

Speaking about her experience, Hannah said: “I wouldn’t say that I feel unsafe going out in Manchester because me and my friends always look out for each other.

“However, I do think it’s a problem that we always have to be on our guard.”

Students in Sheffield have begun to openly campaign against such sexual harassment, with students of both genders and from both universities uniting to form the ‘Sheffield Anti-Sexual Harassment’ group (Sash).

Sash has begun campaigning for bouncers and staff to be trained to notice harassment, and for clubs to hang posters on their walls to create awareness. It also plans to create an online list of clubs that are safe, and make sure that no societies associate with those deemed unsafe.

Speaking of the situation in Manchester, Womens’ Officer Tabz O’Brien-Butcher said: “While it’s a minority taking part in these activities, lad culture dominates the nightclub scene, and there’s a very specific brand of masculinist, dominant behaviour that is taken as the norm and presented as ‘how’ you go out in town.

“Behaviour like this contributes towards and perpetuates a culture that says women are objects for the taking, that ‘lads’ can bond over sexual assault and that they will receive kudos and recognition from their peers for ‘conquering’ women and showing themselves to have sexual prowess.

“Only last month at Oxford University, Pembroke College’s Rugby Club Social Secretary sent out an e-mail to the members inviting them on a ‘crew date’ with specific instructions to bring a spiked bottle of wine for a female fresher.

“There is a real pressure on male students to take part in these cultures – only this week we have seen video from Sterling University of their Hockey Team singing songs about rape on a public bus on their way on a night out, and we have had similar reports at Manchester this year.

“That’s why it’s so important to have these conversations with male students, those who are part of these campus cultures and also those who feel ostracised because of them, to explore why they take part and how they can challenge these narratives and speak up against it.”

The University has agreed to dedicate February next year to a month of awareness raising and campaigning about these issues, culminating in the Reclaim the Night march.

Female students who would like to discuss or act on incidences of sexual harassment they have experienced are encouraged to contact the Women’s Reps, through their Facebook page ‘Manchester Uni Women’s Reps’.

University staff to strike again

University academics and staff are to hold a second national one-day strike on 3 December, in a continuing dispute over pay, four unions have announced.

The row centres on a one per cent pay rise offered to university staff – including lecturers and support staff.

UCU head of higher education Michael MacNeil said, “Staff have suffered year-on-year cuts in the value of their pay and have made it clear that enough is enough.

“We remain committed to trying to resolve this dispute and the employers now have until 3 December to sit down and positively engage with the unions.”

He added workers would strike again next month, joined by the union Educational Institute of Scotland, unless pay conditions improve.

Members of the unions UCU, Unite, and Unison took part in a one-day walk out on October 31, which affected Manchester and 148 other institutions across the country.

The student-supported action saw lectures, libraries and other University services cancelled, postponed or closed, with pickets outside campus buildings including University Place and a protest in front of the Students’ Union.

Sankeys to reopen

Popular Manchester nightclub Sankeys is to reopen, it has announced – just six months after the owner said it was closed indefinitely.

Boss David Vincent told The Mancunion earlier this year he planned to shut the legendary dance venue to focus on his namesake club in Ibiza, and that “if Sankeys does return it won’t be with me as it’s owner. I have done my time here.”

But a statement on the website on 14 November said, “We can officially announce that our spiritual home in Manchester overcame some major adversities and will be reopening soon.”

The club, in Beehive Mill, Ancoats, closed its doors 6 May this year after a 12-hour rave.

It is not clear when the club will officially open again.

Manchester Professor leads UK relief team in Philppines

A professor from the University of Manchester is leading a medical team going to the Philippines to help those affected by the recent typhoon.

Professor Anthony Redmond, Professor of International Emergency Medicine in the University’s Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), will be joined by University colleague Dr Amy Hughes as he leads a UK team of surgeons, doctors and A&E nurses.

“The first thing we will be doing is surgery on untreated wounds that may have already become infected or certainly to prevent them becoming infected,” said Professor Redmond. “Then we will be looking at the other range of conditions that present to us.”

The 12 strong team was approved for deployment by Britain’s International Development Secretary Justine Greening after the Philippines Department of Health sent a direct request. They are part of the UK’s £10 million relief operation for the region following the disaster.

Professor Redmond has had 25 years of experience in leading British medical teams in disaster zones. He has worked as part of response teams helping those affected by conflicts, natural disasters and major emergencies all over the world. This includes his work in 2010 when, following the Haitian earthquake, when he led a team of surgeons in providing emergency medicine and surgery with the UK Non-Government Organisation Merlin.

The official death toll from Typhoon Haiyan currently stands at over 2,300 but local officials and aid workers fear that it could rise significantly. The Filipino government currently puts the number of those affected by the typhoon at just over 8 million, however the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says that 11.3 million people are in need of food, as well as access to healthcare, education and livelihoods.

American university bans electronic music to curb MDMA use

The University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMASS) has banned all Electronic Dance Music events from its campus, in response to a surge in MDMA use in the United States.

MDMA, or ‘Molly’ as the drug is referred to in the US is being categorised as a health and safety risk to students and EDM is seen by College administrators as the reason for its rise in popularity.

In a campus wide email the UMASS interim Vice Chancellor, Enku Gelaye said, “We have grown even more concerned about the ongoing reports of overdoses…The   Molly taking culture at these shows is real and now exceedingly dangerous to the health and safety of concert attendees.”

The response from students at UMASS has been strong, with a number of petitions being set up and a flash mob started outside the students’ union in protest. Many feel the majority are being punished for the actions of the few.

The UMASS Amherst student body petition reads, “UMASS Amherst Administration: Bring back EDM and agreement not to take illegal drugs.”

In the wake of the decision, Zachary Broughton, President of the Student Body, sent out a statement to fellow students in which he said, “[I] did not think it was the place of the University to dictate the behavior of students.”

In a press statement the University also said, “Our administrative and student leadership must also take responsibility for creating a safe and positive environment that encourages and cultivates good decision making.”

UMASS Amherst also attached a link to the American government drug abuse website “for more detailed information on Molly and its side effects.”

The website singles out, “urban gay and bisexual men using MDMA as part of a multiple-drug experience,” and also links MDMA use to the spread of HIV by stating that it, “may encourage unsafe sex, which is a risk factor for contracting or spreading HIV and hepatitis.”

The response on social media has been strong. Kaskade, one of Americas leading EDM DJ’s voiced his opinion on Twitter, “But, WHAT IF we switched out a few words in that statement? For instance, “Molly” with “Alcohol”, and “These shows” with “The NFL”?”

MDMA has been in contention in the US for some time now. Pop stars in the country, including Miley Cyrus and Jay-Z, have been criticised for referencing the drug in their songs.

The University of Manchester operates an exchange programme with UMASS Amherst in which students can study abroad for a semester at the University.

Jennifer Grant, a third year Philosophy Student at Manchester, spent a semester at UMASS in 2013.

“The drug culture was very different to Manchester. Much less common,” She told The Mancunion. “MDMA seemed to be the thing to take on a special occasion where as here in Manchester people take drugs much more often.”

However, Grant said she did see, “a direct correlation between EDM and Molly on campus because the events that came to the Mullins Centre [campus arena] were the ‘special occasions’ Molly was purchased for.”

The response from UMASS students is not one claiming that they want to ‘take illegal drugs’, but one concerning basic rights and liberties. The ability to make and be responsible for their own decisions.

Gang invades house in Withington and cuts jewelry off occupants

Five men, one of whom was brandishing a meat clever, forced their way into a house which was occupied by a family. The incident occurred at 9pm on Friday 8th November on Yewtree Road, Withington, a popular area for student housing.

The gang, who were all masked, kicked down the front door of the house and then confronted the startled family in their living room. One of the invaders had a meat clever whilst another brandished a hammer.

Once inside the gang targeted the occupants by removing their jewelry from their bodies with pliers. The thieves removed a necklace, earrings and a bracelet from one of the women and a watch from another victim. The jewelry stolen amounted to around £2000. After this the gang fled the house.

This burglary is the most recent in a string of attacks in the Withington, Fallowfield area that have left residents feeling uneasy about their safety.

Only a week before a similar attack took place on Brookleigh Road in Withington. Four men also brandishing weapons smashed their way through a patio door and again attempted to steal occupants jewelry. However these thieves were unsuccessful and fled empty handed.

The police have not hinted that the two incidents are connected. In both instances the thieves were described as young, wearing dark sports clothes with their faces covered. Alongside this both attacks were very similar in their style and they occurred around the same time on the same day of the week.

Detective Constable Mark Evans of Greater Manchester Police said, “The facts of this appalling burglary speak for themselves. This family have been traumatised at the hands of this gang.”

He also commented on the worrying nature of the way in which the gang invaded the families personal space, somewhere they should feel safe, “A home is supposed to be a place of sanctity however this gang have totally invaded this family’s privacy and threatened them with weapons.”

The police have increased patrols in the area and asked residents to report anything they saw around the time of the incidents.