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21st March 2019

Snacks changing the studying game

Lily Rosenberg presents her take on the world of study snacks, from biscuits to hummus (including sugar snap peas on the way) and how they are invaluable to her experiences in the Main Library late at night
Snacks changing the studying game
Oreos obviously are on Lily’s menu. Photo: Natasha @ Wikimedia Commons

As I sit in the main library with my two friends having a late night study session, a plethora of snacks are stacked around us. Hummus and carrots, dried fruit, obviously Oreos, and sugar snap peas are what we have tonight. This new tradition we have recently started occurs whenever there is an essay deadline or when we need motivation to do work, so it happens often.

I am not quite sure why there is a correlation between how much food I have around me and my general happiness at being in the library but it exists and I hope some final year student is doing research into the connection.

For me, the library – especially the Main Library with its lack of windows compared to the Ali G – seems to suck out all my energy before I even walk in. Food on the other hand, physically gives humans energy and probably is the solution to world peace.

Whenever I bring snacks to campus, other than helping me stay within my weekly budget, I feel so organised for putting the effort in and putting my hummus and veggies into small individual containers. That feeling of productivity allows me to start my day off on the right note, and gives me the confidence that Beyonce, Oprah, and Michelle Obama combined must feel everyday.

Snacks also provide one with a creative way to have a break. I need to eat so why not push doing my tutorial reading a few more minutes to eat my biccies and give me another moment of blissful procrastination and self-loathing?

Having a few friends with you adds to the fun by having more people to cry with over eating those said biscuits. I have even made friends by offering people snacks in the library if they are looking especially distraught over work.

Despite the jokes, allowing myself to have an element of control while studying gives me comfort. With each year of university adding more chaos into my life, being able to choose a simple aspect of my day makes me feel better about my life. With more deadlines and more reading for each class, the only time I get to see friends is when I force them to go to the library with me, so for me snacks are a way to see people I care about.

For my little group who I am surrounded by tonight it seems the price of admission is worth it, regardless of whether we are allowed food in Blue 3.

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