Horoscopes: Week commencing November 2nd

Ever wondered which of your favourite childhood cartoon characters perfectly matches up with your star sign? Wonder no more…
Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22
Road Runner – you are always in a rush – beep beep! When you are busy going from one place to the next, try to be aware of the mess you leave behind.
Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21 
Tasmanian Devil – your energy is boundless and your hunger is insatiable! Try to be a bit more patient with your friends this week, they will appreciate it.
Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20 
Sylvester – you are the most resilient cat of them all. You always make sure your pride never gets in the way of what you need to do (and try to leave that little yellow bird alone).
Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 
Porky Pig – your optimistic nature is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. During these colder months, make sure to use your sunny disposition to lift the mood this week!
Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20 
Speedy Gonzales – you are the artistic one of the Looney Tunes bunch. Your skills allow you to see a different side of things, and this week that will come in useful!
Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20 
Tweety – you are the adorable baby of the group! But the cuteness comes at a price and sometimes your temper can get the better of you, try to keep cool this week.
Taurus Apr 21 – May 20
Daffy Duck – you might come across as jealous sometimes, but you only want what is best for people. This week, don’t let your priorities get out of order.
Gemini May 21 – June 21 
Hector the Bulldog – you always fight for the little guy and love to help a friend in need. You are strong, but this week take a moment to think before you act.
Cancer June 22 – July 22
Lola Bunny – you are confident within yourself and don’t take any rubbish from anyone! Don’t be afraid of being yourself this week, even if it seems to rub others the wrong way.
Leo July 23 – Aug 22
Bugs Bunny – you are charismatic and charming. You have a way of getting people to talk to you and helping people. Don’t be afraid to ask what’s up Doc?
Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 21
Wile E Coyote – you are an expert planner but this week, but things may not go to plan! Remember to keep trying to achieve your goals (even if they are to catch the Road Runner)
Libra Sept 22 – Oct 22
Marvin the Martian – quite easily the politest of all the characters (despite his need to destroy the earth), try to channel your inner Martian this week to settle disputes!