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Sarah Jane Thoms

Sarah Jane Thoms

Do not use ‘girl code’ to destruct ‘girl power’

Sarah Jane Thoms talks about the creation of girl code, and how it should be used to empower women not bring them down

Preview: Manchester Film Festival

A taste of what is yet to come in the ever growing annual film festival in 2017

The Women’s March: Sexism on social media

Women are shamed on social media sites following their decision to publicly protest for women’s rights

The festive deadlines fear

A few tips on how to create a balance between work and play as a busy student over the Christmas period

Did they really “have it coming”?

Victim blaming still remains as a lazy attempt to simplify the actions of criminals

Stand by Me

I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?

Review: Sembene!

A documentary about the African culture and society, the arts, filmmaking and of course… the man himself

Review: The Girl With All The Gifts

This new spin on zombie films is not able to meet the full potential of the original stimulating story

Top 5: cosy films to watch in bed

If you’re ill with Freshers’ Flu, these are the films to watch while snuggled up in bed

Review: London Has Fallen

London Has Fallen is an explosive and somewhat controversial action film sequel that watches another city fall to the ground

Review: Concussion

Concussion is an ordinary telling of a remarkable story, with a fascinating portrayal of a fascinating man

Review: Dad’s Army

The feeling of nostalgia is not enough to override the feeling of pointlessness in Oliver Parker’s Dad’s Army