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Elizabeth Rushton discusses the changing face of female body image in pop music
Jose Harrington explores the benefits of cutting down our meat intake.
David Brierley and Samuel Gilmore respond to the pressing question about the imposing effects of social media; is it, or is it not beneficial?
Ben Farren and Samuel Gilmore argue each side of the coin in answer to the question: Is religion detrimental to society?
Guide to festivals in the second half of Summer
In comparison to men, women with ‘resilience’ are much more likely to get a first or 2:1 in their first year than those without
Deborah Kermath, head caterer at Ashburne Hall, has beaten thousands of contestants to reach the finals BBC Radio 4’s Food and Farming Awards.
Amelie Eckersley argues that deeming sanitary products ‘non-essential’ and attaching a 5 per cent VAT unfairly disadvantages women
Fashion editor Susie Coen discusses the dangers of our favourite picture app
A blunt message from Downing Street this week was communicated to Britain’s leading public health expert (and the public at large) that the current age of consent for sex in the UK is 16, and “there are no plans to change it”. Is this the right attitude to take?
Charlotte Green discusses how the potential ban on using headphones whilst cycling is symptomatic of a system determined to blame bikers for accidents, not motorists
Jamie Bulman picks Pokey Lafarge’s brain as he picks at Southern fried chicken in the green room of Manchester’s Gorilla.
Frontman Garvey joined by Cornerhouse CEO on School’s 175th anniversary
American author, polemicist and war reporter David Rieff tells Sam Dumitriu why he is a humanitarian fundamentalist
Robbie went to an advance screening courtesy of Experience 12
Heavy metal comedian Steve Hughes speaks to The Mancunion about political correctness, health and safety, and the meaning of life
Double chins might be a thing of the past, as surgery free cure is developed
Valentine Landeg argues that the press need to highlight the plight of public services for protest to be effective
A clean sweep for Manchester researchers at Biology awards