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immigration Articles

The rise of the AfD proves that Germany isn’t immune from right-wing populism

Gemany is divided, and those divisions won’t heal unless the German political establishment engages with the concerns of AfD voters, argues Jake Dunn

Soubry: We need “intelligent discussion” on international students post-Brexit

Anna Soubry insists the UK needs to open up its borders to international students after Brexit to avoid losing EU students

Government U-turn on deportation order

The Home Office has delayed the deportation of Shiromini Satkunarajah after hundreds of thousands signed the petition to prevent it

Where will this populism lead us?

Centrists across the Western world must come together in opposition of current political tactics that point us towards an uncertain future, writes Liam O’Brien

Trump’s executive order: Impact on students

Ollie Potter looks at the impact of President Trump’s executive travel ban on foreign and US-born students in the USA

May pledges £2bn a year to science

Theresa May promises an annual £2 billion to scientific research and development (R&D) by 2020 and review of current tax incentives to help the UK’s science and technology industry

Interview: Dame Nancy Rothwell

Head Features Editor Jacob Nicholas sat down with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, to talk about everything from Brexit to building a hotel on campus

How will this summer’s politics affect students?

The summer has been dramatic, and has dropped most of the UK into uncertainty, universities and students included

Manchester student and victim of sexual abuse facing deportation

Emmaculate Tshuma an 18-year-old Manchester student has been detained and is facing the threat of deportation despite having suffered physical and sexual abuse in her home country

Nigerian student faces deportation to death

Master’s student Luqman Onikosi faces deportation back to Nigeria where he will not receive critical Hepatitis B treatment

International students at London business school asked to leave UK

The NUS expressed disappointment with the government by criticizing its flawed system that is now forcing lecturers to speed up teaching for the next semester and thus provide for an unfulfilling university experience in the UK

International students to feel force of government’s immigration clampdown

“Students, yes. Overstayers, no,” says the Home Secretary, renewing scrutiny on foreign students as tougher immigration rules are outlined in controversial speech

Straight-A* student denied student loan due to immigration status

Iraqi-born Hassan al-Sherbaz has lived in the UK half his life, attended both primary and secondary school in this country, but has been told he must pay full international fees if he wants to study Chemical Engineering at Imperial College

Why I’ll be sleeping rough: STAR/Amnesty International’s Sleepout campaign

Sophie Guinard tells us her reasons for supporting this year’s STAR/Amnesty Sleepout campaign

Lib Dems call for public postgraduate loans

Policy calls also for increased public investment in science and research and for an immigration system that encourges “bona fide students” to come to the UK with the most talented to stay.

Protest over London Met student visa row

Manchester students protest over the UK Border Agency revoking London Metropolitan University’s license to teach non-EU students