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justice Articles

A fresh start: What volunteering in a prison taught me

A fresh start: What volunteering in a prison taught me

Criminals should face justice – but listening to the stories of hardened prisoners made me think twice about the way we deal with those who break the law

Fining street sexual harassment is not a bad idea

Street-harassment should be treated just like any other criminal activity

Denial: the repercussions of denying the Holocaust

Holocaust denier David Irving brings history to the stands

A response to “Everyday Feminism: Take control of yourselves”

Ilya Cereso argues that the article mirrors how issues of oppression within our societies are too often generalised and oversimplified

Trial by Twitter is harmful to justice

Christopher James argues the time has come to reconsider our social media ethics

Our prison system is corrupt and that should worry us all

Morris Seifert argues that we need a prison system inclined towards compassion not incarceration

Live: Justice @ Academy 1

It’s impossible not to raise questions about how ‘live’ a performance from 2 men with computers and decks really is.

Album: Justice – Audio, Video, Disco

Looking for backing music for a shit remake of Crystal Maze? Walk this way.