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15th September 2011

Loving and Loathing: 15/09/11

What we’re loving and loathing in fashion this week.


 American Apparel knit pencil skirts (£42, American Apparel) 

New for A/W, our favourite sweat shop free clothing destination has produced these fabulously flattering knitted pencil skirts in an array of hues. Perfect with a pair of opaque tights and ankle boots, or bare legs and heels for day to night transitioning.


 Ready attached braces

A recent traipse around Topman and H&M revealed a worrying plethora of trousers with ready affixed braces, usually in an offensively bright colour. Unless you are Chuck Bass and pull off the dapper/dandy look with aplomb, I beg you to leave these sad creations to be resigned to the sale rail, where they belong.

Claudia Canavan

Former fashion editor (2011-2012).

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