Senate postponed until November
By Megan Oyinka
The Senate meeting due to take place on the 24th of October has been postponed till the 7th of November.
The postponement is due to a Students’ Union made an oversight in the timing of the meeting. With RA (Resident Association) and JCR (Junior Common Room) elections still ongoing, the decision-making body has an incomplete membership list, with the newly elected RA and JCR members forming a part of the core group of students invited.
Without those elected students, Senate could struggle to hit quoracy – the number of attendees required for voting to take place – an issue that the decision-making body has been affected by in recent months. In May the meeting was pushed back a week due to attendees of the meeting leaving abruptly halfway through, and the first Senate meeting of this academic year was also cut short by low attendance.
These delays mean that many of the topics on the agenda stem from as far back as May; issues such as ‘Reclaim the Night’ Reform have suffered repeated postponements. Other policies due for debate include the proposal to declare the SU a ‘Pro-Choice Union’, and encouraging the SU to declare a climate and ecological emergency.
The meeting will also be providing free food as an incentive for students to come and participate.