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13th November 2020

Police descend on Fallowfield campus amid protests – in pictures

Last night, a protest took place on Fallowfield campus in solidarity with students occupying Owens Park Tower
Police descend on Fallowfield campus amid protests – in pictures
Photo: Antonio Ross

Last night, a protest took place on Fallowfield campus in solidarity with students occupying Owens Park Tower

Police and security guards descended on the halls of residence, and riot vans were pictured near Wilmslow Road. 

The occupation continues

All the students that gathered outisde their halls were asked to go back inside
As the crowd of students started to grow the police intervened and requested them to go back inside
A banner hangs out of one of the windows of the occupied building in Fallowfield
Students argue with the police as they order everyone to go back inside
Fallowfield gets creative with Owens Park protest
 Two students hold a banner in support of the student’s request to the University

All photos were taken by Antonio Ross. His Instagram is reflectionless.ross 

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