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Suraj Vara takes us through the outrageous shock tactics of Joaquin Phoenix
Lynne Ramsay talks about her latest film, the current state of cinema, and the time Joaquin Phoenix punched an extra
If you saw Joaquin Phoenix bounding down a corridor wielding a hammer you would truly wish you were never here
With the 96th Academy Awards looming, let’s look back at this century’s winners of the big grand prize of Best Picture
At times humorous, uncomfortable, and bizarre, Ridley Scott’s Napoleon is a triumph in marketing but a disaster in biography, characterized most glaringly by a serious of obtuse characters, bewildering editing, and alienating narrative choices
What if the current Oscar nominated films didn’t exist? We present our picks in our ‘Alternative Oscars’ list.
Is C’mon C’mon worth the rave reviews? Sophie Hicks reviews the latest sensation to come from A24
With the 2020 Academy Awards almost upon us, Michal Wasilewski takes a look the contenders and makes his predictions for this year’s winners
The snubbing female artists and stories cannot be blamed on a lack of talent but reflects serious problems within awards bodies
Georgina Davidson reviews Joker; which promises a dark twist down into a bleakly lit Gotham city, but does Philip’s film reveal a somewhat troubling social commentary?
With Joker’s release almost upon us, Deputy Film Editor Josh Sandy looks at the historic relationship between on-screen and real-life violence
James Gill gives us a quick look at what’s on this week at HOME Cinema
Highlighted here are our top five performances over the last five years. Shamefully, the Academy opted to not nominate any of the protagonists for Best Actor
The new Woody Allen film, Irrational Man, is neither one to win over those unfamiliar with the director’s style, nor one to please his current fans
Christoph Otto talks to Josef Salvat about leaving Australia, sobriety and Manchester’s streets
Nik sings the praises of Spike Jonze’s truly original love story
Angus shares his own personal reflections on the tragic passing of the brilliant Philip Seymour Hoffman
In this case, the concept alone is a victory in itself. It promises humour and pathos yet it may also prove to be quite haunting.
Move over ladies and put away those ball gowns. Miles Zilesnick is taking a look at the men on the red carpet and here are his nominees for best dressed.
A collection of our favourite films of this year