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Mariana Cerqueira

The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Review

The film of Stephen Chobsky’s coming of age novel led Mariana back to the world of hormones and ’90s misfits, where she found a lot to relate to

SU looks at helping ‘neglected’ North Campus

The Students’ Union is looking at ways to make North Campus students feel less neglected

How do you choose how to choose your next book?

Online book recommendation sites get away from best-seller lists and towards personally tailored selections

Manchester researchers tackle deadliest skin cancer

University of Manchester researchers have discovered a new way to combat the deadliest skin cancer

The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) – Review

The latest release from New York Times bestselling author John Green takes an affectionate and affecting look at teens suffering with cancer

Alumni donations set to soar

Donations from former students to Unviersity schemes are on the rise