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Whether you’re in a relationship or not, any excuse to get yourself or your partner something fun
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Here lays the map of the best and worst of the Food and Drink available in and around the University of Manchester’s campus.
The lowdown on this year’s Beerfest
Three easy ways to transform your cooking
Barbecue no longer has to mean blackened burgers, scorched sausages and your dad’s God complex coming to the fore over a bag of charcoal from the supermarket.
We’re all increasingly aware of where our food is from and how it has been grown as it becomes clearer that many aspects of the current food system are unsustainable. Food can travel thousands of miles from plot to plate, causing irreparable damage to our environment. These are facts we certainly can’t ignore, but in […]
The food so good they named it twice. Couscous is the lazy man’s rice/pasta/porridge/kebab.
My friends and I are waiting in Paddington Station but one of the group looks disgruntled. Finally he utters, “why exactly are we going to a World Music festival?” The correct answer was that we had failed to get tickets to Glastonbury, or any other festival for that matter, but this is still a touchy subject so […]