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Is your boyfriend bad in bed? Friendship group getting messy? Questioning your life choices? Well, as your new Agony Aunt Angela, my words of wisdom will guide you to the right path.
All I want for Christmas is better rom-coms. Emotions shouldn’t be this formulaic
The nightmare isn’t over for the British victims of the 2015 Paris terror attack, who are now going through trials in Paris
In light of recent news, Victoria Roberts explains why Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates is an essential read
Miriam Jarvis considers how My Body Keeps Your Secrets and The Way We Survive explore what trauma leaves behind and the idea of the ‘false self’
Head Theatre Editor Jay Darcy interviews influencer, artist and performer Jony Sios in the seventh feature of his social media series
Does skincare seem like a foreign concept? Beauty Editor Alex Bikard is here to teach you the basics
Riz Ahmed shines as a hearing-impaired drummer in an understated drama about struggling to accept a dramatic change in one’s way of living
Blake Crompton explores the potential for bioplastics in a world plagued by the waste we’ve created.
To celebrate this year’s LGBT History Month our writers picked the essential LGBT biographical films
Laura Thompson argues that an official University of Manchester Instagram Post telling students to treat the pandemic like a retreat misrepresents their mental health support provision
The ongoing Indian farmers’ protests are the latest in a history of non-violent mass protests against governments that ignore the needs of their people, as Annie Dabb lays out
Adan was among many of the speakers at the protest to share his experience with the university
Heidy Lo explores the ways in which romanticising moments can help us make the most of life
Students talk to The Mancunion about the University’s response to Black Lives Matter, and what they want to see next
Alexia Pieretti reviews Indigo at the King’s Arms
Sebastian Cousins, a member of the Young Green Society, discusses the importance of local elections in the fight for climate action
A final year English Language student anonymously logs all of their fashion and beauty purchases for the month of October including a first date panic buy, splurging on fancy dress and a trip to Liverpool for the perfect pair of trousers
The October Brexit deadilne is fast approaching, but it’s been 117 days since the University updated its guidance for EU students considering studying here
Aphex Twin delivered a standout performance in one of his duo of shows this year, attacking our senses both sonically and visually, as reviewed by Deputy Music Editor, Alex Cresswell