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As it is Mental Health Awareness Week, Books Editor Leonie Dunn picks the top 5 most iconic novels that focus and reflect on mental health
A student-led Manchester branch of The Arts Emergency Service plans to work with Manchester secondary schools to increase interest and excitement about arts and humanities subjects as university degree options.
With racism rife in the European game, UEFA and FIFA must make a stand.
Jennifer Leung and Dorin Cucoș sample deli cuisine and delights at The Botanist, Deansgate.
Guide to festivals in the second half of Summer
With the ‘I, too, am’ project sweeping universities around the world, Alice Rigby addressed the casual prejudices we witness every day
Lauren Gorton questions why the media have overlooked discrimatory legislation in the USA but damned Russia for its ‘anti-propaganda’ bill
Arthur Baker explains the need for the Arts and Humanities
A countdown of the best of 2013.
Dozens of Facebook photos have been used without students’ consent by a controversial website branded “creepy” by the NUS
“Debt-ins” take place across campus to protest sell-off of student loan book
  5. Sisley Fashion Junkie The Sisley advertising campaign depicts two girls clearly snorting what appears to be a vest. The advert can be interpreted in a number of ways however one thing is clear, the girls are addicted to fashion as others may be addicted to drugs like cocaine, and Sisley believe they can […]
With major brands Tesco, Asda and The Sun mired in controversy over their treatment of mental health issues, Lauren Wills asks why mental health patients are still treated as an anomally in society today
We visited Oxford’s Centre for Effective Altruism to investigate their surprising conclusion about the best ways to end poverty
Q: What kills more young British men than road accidents, murder and HIV/AIDS combined? A: Suicide. Moya Crockett investigates.
Joe Anthony questions what role door and security staff have to play in keeping nights out safe.
Joe Anthony explains why comedian and satirist Mel Smith is his political hero…
Students recently voted in a referendum that SU volunteers should be rewarded for their work, the man behind the scheme tells us why it is a good idea
Ahead of tonight’s University Challenge final, we meet the all-conquering Manchester team and the man behind their continued success
Clifford Fleming explains why the Green Party’s low support level could largely be a result of its name