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With artificial intelligence becoming more and more sophisticated, Ed John fears that we are undermining human experience
Will Kelly reflects on the recent Fifpro survey, indicating that depression in professional football is widespread
With advertising and marketing more prevalent in our lives than ever before, we must ask: to what extent are we truly in control of our own expenditure?
From Long Island, Coby Tunnicliffe gives his view on the state of the Democratic nomination race and if this is the beginning of the end for Hillary Clinton
Report designed to inform political and public policy debates calls for legislative change in four sectors to reduce gender inequality
The Intern manages to exceed many expectations and address some timely social issues
Hannah McGrory reviews the monumental changes that 2015 has brought to the LGBT community and considers what the future holds in Manchester and beyond
After a few ugly incidents soured the press coverage of anti-Conservative protests, George Bolton argues that the new, young left must not discredit itself as a credible movement
The local impact of the refugee crisis is uncertain when you consider this student-led volunteering project
Make a change for the better this October with the help of The Mancunion!
The French film industry finds itself in a constant struggle between crowd-pleasing public films and more daring independent films
Opinion Editor Isaac Atwal discusses how, following his impressive climb to become the leader of the Labour party, the real challenge for Jeremy Corbyn starts now
A fresher from last year shares her advice for all of this year’s new faces in Manchester about how to indulge your passion for film as a student
Sajid Javid MP has ordered a crackdown on sexist behaviour on campus which has been described as a “pandemic”
Peter Tatchell, the human rights campaigner, spoke to The Mancunion ahead of his General Election event on the 30th of April
Exercising our democratic rights is fundamental to getting the kind of government we deserve. It’s easy to get caught up in the leaders’ rhetoric or be overwhelmed by the amount of information available, but we can hold our politicians to account by voting on the 7th of May
Lauren Wills discusses the media’s role in the aftermath of important world events, and whether they have the right to report things that they simply don’t know
The chair of CISTA, a party campaigning solely for a review into cannabis laws, speaks to News Editor Anna Phillips about the War On Drugs, cannabis in the media, and the vision of the UK’s future legalisation policy
Youth branches of the five main political parties active within the Students’ Union were interviewed on the policies of their parties and why they believe their party would best serve students
How much is the West to blame for the radicalisation of its citizens? Lauren Wills considers this alongside the obvious pull of Islamic extremism in the fight against IS