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‘We were waved off by the kindly staff and set off on our journey back to the now less appealing Fallowfield’
Stevie Grieves meets the Cheese and Wine society’s treasurer Ollie Carr
Jack Ashworth speaks to a student on the left of the Manchester Labour Students society to discuss how the alleged current split reflects the party’s national problems
A look back into the devastating economic and social wounds of fairly recent American history can help us to understand Trump’s success
Editorial applications are open for the news, food and games sections, you have until midday on the 25th of November to apply
The Students’ Union at City University, renowned as one of the top journalism schools, have passed a motion to ban newspapers in order to “oppose fascism”
Cachella Smith argues that students can apply aspects of Donald Trump’s personality to inform their own personal success
Ryan Khurana examines the nature of communication, perception, and the ineffectiveness of modern debate
Emma Shanks caught up with Bradley Pascall, this year’s Social Secretary of UOM’s Panto Society
The “surprised” reaction to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory says a great deal about the enclaves of opinion that many students reside in
Manchester Enterprise Centre’s renowned Venture Out competition is back for another year of finding the best and brightest future business stars
The newly elected NUS Women’s Officer stands for nothing but criticising imaginary problems
Heard of Ladyfest? Join them and share your ideas and aspirations for the body positivity movement, and help create change in the way women are viewed in Manchester and beyond
Ryan Khurana comments on the Conservative approach to bringing prosperity to all
Whether it’s to get you out on the street or to sound cultured in front of your new friends, here are five politically-charged protest songs to give a listen
Jenny Knowles suggests that fashion magazines are failing in one crucial area: diversity—with the ultimate fashion bible Vogue being perhaps the worst culprit.
Despite Manchester’s universities’ claims that monitoring students’ behaviour in Fallowfield will improve local relations, students have expressed their displeasure at the treatment
The Mancunion is looking for a deputy opinion editor, apply through the link below
The highly acclaimed shows dominating television, and attracting audiences
Robert Parris offers his thoughts on Destiny’s newest expansion