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Review: untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play

Review: untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play

untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play is a hilarious, hard-hitting middle-finger to a century of damaging East Asian narratives and stereotypes.
The heat is on at the Royal Exchange Theatre

The heat is on at the Royal Exchange Theatre

untitled f*ck m*ss s**gon play, which was the Inaugural Winner of the International Award for the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting, is having its world premiere at the Royal Exchange Theatre as part of Manchester International Festival
George Takei is pledging allegiance at Charing Cross Theatre

George Takei is pledging allegiance at Charing Cross Theatre

George Takei’s Allegiance, a musical inspired by Takei’s life, is running at Charing Cross Theatre – with Takei and Telly Leung reprising their roles from the original San Diego and Broadway productions
Crazy Rich Asians is not a victory

Crazy Rich Asians is not a victory

Crazy Rich Asians cements Chinese dominance in multi-racial Singapore, and panders to Westernised conceptions of Asian culture.
ATM18: challenging identity politics in modern Britain

ATM18: challenging identity politics in modern Britain

Eva Gerretsen considers the importance of the Asia Triennial Festival 2018 in a Society increasingly dominated with questions of identity: she reviews the opening night at HOME

Experiencing China at Tsinghua University

Jack Greeney describes his experiences studying abroad in China over summer, and urges everyone to take opportunities offered by the university

Climbing Mount Fuji overnight

Jack Greeney talks about travelling around Japan, climbing to the top of Mount Fuji, and what not to wear

British people should learn community languages

Changes to the languages we are taught at school may be made in a bid to improve the UK’s economic standing and the social integration of immigrants


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