Brain Articles
Science in the news: Asteroids samples, brain maps, and artificial DNA
Here are the latest big science stories you need to know about
Chris Hemsworth vs. the genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease
Why are some brains more susceptible to neurodegeneration?
Is Alzheimer’s disease primarily a women’s health issue?
There are 50 million Alzheimer’s disease patients worldwide two-thirds of whom are women, why is this?
Could Graphene Revolutionise Neurological Treatment?
Zahra Salimi reports on the Mancunion technology that could revolutionise neurological treatment
Your Brain: The Invisible Magician
Chloe Tenn explores the tricks our minds play on us – sometimes when we least expect it
Liposome drug-delivery method to reduce brain damage in stroke patients
Researchers at the University of Manchester have manipulated selective liposomal transport procedures through the blood-brain barrier in stroke patients to reveal a therapeutic opportunity for delivering life saving drugs…
Cause of rare genetic brain disease discovered by UoM
An international collaboration including researchers from the University of Manchester has helped to identify a new cause of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSP)
Research suggests babies can pick out words in speech
International scientific research collaboration has found evidence revealing that humans are born with the innate skills to pick out words from language
Brain chemistry adapts to raise pain threshold, Manchester study reveals
University of Manchester researchers have found that the chemical composition of the human brain can adapt to help alleviate chronic pain
Funding boost for Manchester Alzheimer’s researcher
The award will be used to fund a project that could greatly enhance our understanding of dementia