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freedom Articles

Exhibition review: Fashion and Freedom

Deputy Fashion and Beauty Editor Sophie Soar reviews Manchester Art Gallery’s exhibition ‘Fashion and Freedom’

A response to “The Burkini: What’s behind it?”

The debate over the burkini tells us a lot about the treatment of women in the continuing tensions between the ‘West’ and Islam

Innocent until labelled extremist

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill threatens free speech at UK universities

The hypocrisies of censorship

Guest contributors Edgar and John Beswirck argue against the unnecessary censorship of the recent Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoon at the Students’ Union’s Refreshers’ Fair

Facebook: the new King Maker

After a spate of human rights pages being deleted from Facebook, Lauren Gorton asks whether it is taking its history-making role seriously

The war against free speech on campus

Sam Dumitriu interviews US campus free speech activist Greg Lukianoff on the fight to defend free speech on campus