Emmaculate Tshuma an 18-year-old Manchester student has been detained and is facing the threat of deportation despite having suffered physical and sexual abuse in her home country
“Reclaim the Night is so much more than just one night and one street. It’s about a movement of people who can build unity to stand together, to break the silence and to say enough is enough”
Students will be driven from the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons straight to their front doors in an attempt to help students feel safer in the city at night after increasing reports of sexual assaults in the last year
Students “find it ridiculous that MPs will be debating ‘loud student parties’ in parliament this week, whilst next to nothing is being done to protect women that are being raped”.
The Manchester Campaigns Bazaar showcased the wide variety of campaign and community groups across Manchester. A panel debate at the event discussed ‘What’s Left? Local Activism in the Age of Austerity’
A Greater Manchester Police anti-theft poster on campus since 2007 has caused controversy due to complaints that it perpetuates ‘victim-blaming’ attitudes