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promising young woman Articles

Blink twice, or avert your eyes? A critique of Blink Twice’s handling of sensitive material

Blink twice, or avert your eyes? A critique of Blink Twice’s handling of sensitive material

Does Blink Twice handle sensitive material in a brave and astute way, or does it sacrifice sensitivity for a heavy-handed shock factor?
Promising Young Woman didn’t deserve a release, nevermind an Oscar

Promising Young Woman didn’t deserve a release, nevermind an Oscar

As Saltburn dominates FilmTok, Emerald Fennell’s misguided feature debut is once again back in a spotlight that it never deserved
Take it Further than the Dance Floor: Why is Spiking so Absent Onscreen?

Take it Further than the Dance Floor: Why is Spiking so Absent Onscreen?

Despite the growing prominence of spiking, film and TV seem to address the issue all too infrequently. Here’s why!
Promising Young Woman: The most important film of the year?

Promising Young Woman: The most important film of the year?

Emerald Fennell’s Promising Young Woman is epitome of a #metoo film, writes Joe McFadden
Oscars 2021 predictions

Oscars 2021 predictions

Ahead of the upcoming 2021 Oscars ceremony, Michal Wasilewski predicts which films will take the big prizes.