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2nd May 2012

The make-up palette

Distract others from your abysmal failure of an existence

There’s something deeply satisfying about finding the perfect palette. The multi-purpose quality – I could be highlighting! I could be shading! All in an arcane kaleidoscopic manner! – ostensibly justifies a week’s starvation in order to purchase the otherwise ridiculous piece of frivolity. The classy or quirky (but of course always ornate and luxurious) packaging appears as another attempt at price justification – it’s an objet d’art, darling!

Overall, the effect is a happily deluded sense of aesthetically pleasing sophistication. The suggested lifestyle is that of a woman who does not frequently bump into her own reflection in a public fashion and then promptly and profusely apologises to herself. No, no, the owner of such a pulchritudinous palette would never be guilty of such brazen tomfoolery. She’s just got her shit sorted, you know; carries around a spare pair of tights and snacks on almonds and everything. Wholesome!

So, behold my top five spring palettes in all their saccharine glory, perfect for pulling out ostentatiously in a final effort at feigning dignity when you’re walking around with your skirt tucked into your knickers.

Left to right: Lancôme La Roseraie Palette, £32; Paul & Joe Face & Eye Colour Palette in “Siamese Please”, £19.50; Dior Garden Clutch £55; YSL Vinyl Candy Palette, £39; ; Clarins Colour Breeze Face & Blush Palette, £30.

Isabelle Dann

Isabelle Dann is the Lifestyle Editor at The Mancunion. Follow her tomfoolery @izzydann

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