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The ‘Normal People’ TV adaptation depicts an authentic sexual intimacy and vulnerability that many shows – and real life relationships – seem to lack these days
The BBC adaptation of Sally Rooney’s ‘Normal People’ has recently burst on to our screens and gifted the nation with the perfect escape from the monotony of lockdown
Sally Rooney has been getting a lot of hype. Urussa Malik reads her latest novel, Normal People, to find out how such a comparatively young writer (she’s written two best-selling books by the age of 26) has been so successful.
School Spirits is a teen show that has its finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist
In honour of LGBTQIA+ History Month, The Mancunion speaks to Ana Maria Jessie Serna about Pan-Africanism, Black and queer documentary filmmaking
We have recently seen an increase in protests during fashion week but is the fashion industry ready to hear their message?
Aimee Butler gives us an insight into how university societies have been faring amidst the coronavirus pandemic
With labelless relationships promoted by reality TV, is having no expectations the new expectation?
Lottie Norton discusses the negative impacts of TV stars normalising plastic surgery on young generations
Students have no access to news food supplies and the group has been split in half, meaning two protestors are currently occupying a corridor with no access to toilets
Features Editor, Felix Hanif-Banks puts genetic analysis service DNAFit under the microscope
Bella Jewell reviews ‘Bloom’, an exhibition by the Feminist Collective which challenges modern perceptions of body hair
BAFTA award winning screenwriter, poet, comedian and co-founder of Baby Cow Productions, Henry Normal sits down to chat with Raine Beckford about the launch of his new book
America is too late to stop the normalisation of President Trump’s views and actions on immigration. With bipartisan efforts, it happened long ago
“Let’s not call it a comeback… It’s just a fucking album.” The Ordinary Boys are getting back to business as usual
Lifestyle editor and suspect misanthropist Robert Firth has some top tips for anyone who just can’t be dealing with people today.
Books editor Aileen Loftus takes a look at which campus novels accurately reflect student life, from Normal People to A Secret History
Aileen Loftus reviews Snowflake, the latest campus novel being compared to Normal People
The Mancunion’s Music Editor Alex Cooper takes us through his style, from reference points to recent revelations
Which films deserved a win or even just a nomination? We’re here to correct history