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Ella Kashti

Ella Kashti

DIY: Memories Jar

Keeping track of all your important memories throughout the year, good and bad, can be a really good way to reflect and grow as a person

Learn to forgive yourself

Ella Kashti talks about accepting regret as part of life, and learning how to forgive yourself and let go of the things you can’t change

Refusing the Israeli Defence Force

Ella Kashti looks at the story of Tair Kaminer, who was imprisoned for refusing conscription

How to handle a breakup at university

With Valentine’s Day approaching, we thought we’d give you some advice to those unlucky in love: how to handle a breakup at university

Take a break from social media over Christmas

Think about putting your phone down this Christmas and taking a break from social media — we promise it will make your festive season so much better

Alternative ways to celebrate your birthday

Not keen to celebrate your birthday with another night out at Factory? Read this article for some inspiration for an alternative way to enjoy your day

Ways to relieve anxiety

Taking care of your own mental health is important — here are some ways to manage anxiety whilst waiting for professional help

Rediscovering Tel Aviv

Ella Kashti lets us in on a whole new side to the frequently misrepresented Israel