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RAG’s #Lost2013 event saw teams hichhike their way back to Manchester from an unknown location, completing challenges along the way
The final part of the 50 shades of Fallowfield trilogy
Tom Ingham heads to the Lowry to indulge his love of Springsteen in reviewing Sarfraz Manzoor’s ‘How Bruce Springsteen changed my life’
Annabel Herrick sat down with UoM lecturer Peter Cooke to discuss his career and the works which inspire him
We caught up with Shereen Perera, Visual Arts Co-ordinator at Islington Mill, to talk about her work, the Mill and how she got there
Arian Lehner and James Taylor-Foster founded Mies UK as an independent project to look at architecture from a student perspective through written and filmed interview
Are you constantly searching for your next small screen fix? Exposed: the dangers of TV addiction
Josh Girling monkeys around with Playstation classic Ape Escape.
Lauren James talks about the Zoology society and their latest trip to Blue Planet Aquarium in Chester.
Andrew Georgeson speaks to 2nd year architecture student James Taylor-Foster about the Contact’s new architecture collaboration
Welcome to our live coverage of the Christie Cup. It’s going to be a busy afternoon of sport, with 21 clubs in action today. Will Manchester be able to retain their crown?
Put down the revision-induced pot noodle – this mackerel meal is just as instant
Like, literally, what is it that makes this show so popular?
Dylan Wiggan highlights pretty much every big film you’ll watch this summer
Andrew Home uses movies to explain why we should be afraid of the future
Sam Dumitriu looks at the latest horror remake
Kate Bullivant talks about her three favorite societies, and the highlights of the year.
Cannes prepares to spend the summer under the red white and blue