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Victor Croci confesses all with this food diary of a stressed student
Charlotte Green discusses how the potential ban on using headphones whilst cycling is symptomatic of a system determined to blame bikers for accidents, not motorists
Looking for a day trip from Manchester? Beautiful Hebden Bridge is a great place to start
Who’s going to be on our radar for 2014? Fashion editor Susie Coen reveals her top three
Here’s Jackson Ball’s top 5 actors to watch out for this year
Lauren Wills defends the role of the Church as an organisation committed to helping the helpless
After the controversy surrounding Channel 4’s ‘Benefits Street’, Alice Rigby and Emily Thomas debate the attitude towards benefits claimants in the UK
We pick out this year’s games with the most potential.
Tim Harcourt-Powell tells the story of a student struggling with a major cannabis problem
As Glasgow Students nominate Edward Snowden, Sam Dumitriu looks at the history of the position of university rector across the UK
Angus tells us why he believes Toy Story is the only truly perfect film trilogy
Katy B is 100% a hippy
Rachel Connolly speaks with Rey Pila about their influences and decision to anglicise their music
Matthew Staite caught up with Crystal Fighters singer, Sebastian Pringle, after their sold out show at Academy 2
The songs’ angular, new wave stylings generally translated well into a live setting
Wells’ smooth use of loop pads and pedals and her ability on a multitude of instruments was impressive
Phoebe Clarke catches up with upcoming producer Irrelevant in light of his dark and emotional debut ‘Little Figurines’.
Where did he come from? The shadows…
Jenny Sterne discusses whether not voting will ever achieve the revolution that the popular comedian imagines…
Wilson delivers a near flawless second album