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Robert Parris

Robert Parris

Destiny: Rise of Iron – Review

Robert Parris offers his thoughts on Destiny’s newest expansion

God of War Retro Review

God of War first released onto the PlayStation 2 in March 2005. A lot has happened since then…

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Review

How did Activision’s latest Call of Duty title turn out? Read on to find out Robert Parris’ opinion on this, frankly, very bizarre entry into the franchise.

Fallout 4 – Review

Fallout 4 was one of the most anticipated games of 2015. The big question on everyone’s mind though, is does it stand up to its predecessors? Find out

The Bad Truth behind Destiny’s Development

Destiny was promised as a massive, lore-heavy game, but when it came out many fans were disappointed at this promise not being fulfilled. Thanks to recent information we finally have some insight into why this happened

Marketing: Who’s in control of what you spend?

With advertising and marketing more prevalent in our lives than ever before, we must ask: to what extent are we truly in control of our own expenditure?

Can you afford to bulk at university?

Bulking—the practice of carefully controlling your diet and exercise to put on muscle mass—is increasing in popularity. Is it worth the time, money, and effort?