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Spencer Finch says that this relative “return to form” from M. Night Shyamalan suffers from a lack of imagination and misjudged attempts at humour
Imran Bukhari reckons that this Sundance hit is a believable teen drama that successfully transcends many conventions of the genre
Van Gaal’s panic buying speaks volumes of the mistakes already been made, according to Will Kelly
Data shows how much higher the crime rate at London universities is, but places all four of Manchester’s universities at the top of the non-London list
Sajid Javid MP has ordered a crackdown on sexist behaviour on campus which has been described as a “pandemic”
Manchester’s travel network is great—but it can be expensive. Here’s some advice on keeping your travel costs down when you start your university journey
Manchester City have made the best acquisitions in the transfer market, according to Harry Newton
Synkro’s excellent debut album showcases a more mature sound
The survey reveals, however, that full-time employment rates remain much lower than they were for 2005 graduates
The NUS is collaborating with Defend the Right to Protest to oppose the government’s strategy to prevent radicalisation, which involves monitoring events & political campaigns on campus
Ellie Gibbs reviews the recently refurbished Cornerhouse, in its new location as arts & culture complex HOME
An LGBT+ panel discussion hosted as a collaboration between charity Stonewall, the Albert Kennedy Trust, and Sparkle, will be hosted by the University of Manchester this Sunday
For those struggling to find their way out from a mountain of takeaway boxes and crisp wrappers, Food & Drink Editor Ellie Gibbs gives some basic tips for following a healthy lifestyle
Try this vegan alternative to cheesecake using coconut cream and a nutty oat base
Food Editor Ellie Gibbs gives her tropical take on a celebration cake
Not so sure about the widely known liquid-food? Let Cecilia change your mind by highlighting its versatility, variety and virtues
Liam Reynolds and a gang of Leeds students ordered drugs from abroad using the Silk Road marketplace and sold them on to students
Researchers found that data indicates BME university applicants are disproportionately rejected a place at university in comparison to similarly-qualified white peers
Researchers found the reputation the internet has for encouraging cheating might just be down to hyperbolic news stories and anecdotal evidence
Iraqi-born Hassan al-Sherbaz has lived in the UK half his life, attended both primary and secondary school in this country, but has been told he must pay full international fees if he wants to study Chemical Engineering at Imperial College