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Unable to shake the feeling that this may be Noel Gallagher’s greatest work, Tariq Salarbux review’s his latest solo album, Chasing Yesterday
Adam Granduciel deliberately sticks pins in the map of American musical history and draws a contorted line to his own music
Cordelia Milward reviews Dutch Uncles’ latest offering, following them through their prolonged pursuit of the unconventional
Hannah Brierley speaks with Beartooth frontman Caleb Shomo about his boredom with Attack!Attack!, dreams of playing at Wembley Stadium and making the choice to be happy
Cordelia Milward discusses the music industry’s growing trend for surprise releases and shock returns
Isabelle Bowen says that Into the Woods will give fans of movie musicals what they want, even though it lacks perfection
A consumer watchdog has revealed that at least 40 UK universities offer unlawful terms to students
Reclaim the Night 2015 proved a huge success, with a record number of over 2000 protesters attending
We put make-up on a boy. This is his story
Annabel Cartwright reviews one of the picks of this years MIFTA performances; Bad Company, a comic drama by Tom Mackintosh
Zinc, Kane Law and Yasmin bring bass to Sankeys
Sam Joyce and Charlie Filmer-Court visit Manchester’s Beer and Cider Festival 2015
What does your degree say about you? Kitty Treverton Jones explores the stereotypes from a selection of university courses
The funniest things you’ve been saying around campus this week
Whether you’re in your final year or your first, it’s time to start making the most of the best city in the country. Sarah Heaton gives you a guide to the things you have to do before you leave
With us humans–us feeble, naïve, easily swayed humans–using the right language can really change everything. The case hasn’t changed much since the beginning of time: using the perfect combination of words is an ancient weapon used by politicians, writers, musicians and world-leaders. In fact, one of the areas where the correct language is especially useful […]
Is it possible to become smarter, more focused and alert for a few hours from just taking a pill? Modafinil is just one of many study drugs that has been associated with these effects. But can it be beneficial to student life?
The funniest things you’ve been saying around campus this week
University of Manchester students travel as delegates to Bosnia, as the 20th anniversary of the end of the war nears
Lauren Wills explores the effect that the outspoken comedian and political commentator Russell Brand has had on the UK political sphere