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A delicious recipe for getting over heartbreak
SOS: Sweet tooth emergency. Make this quick microwave mug recipe in just a minute!
What better brunch could there possibly be? Toast, ham, melted cheese and a white sauce. Sunday morning perfection
Alex Ross explains how you too can whip up this simple, easy-to-make, tasty dish for two
A sexy beef welly recipe to treat your housemates to some proper winter grub
What better way to make new friends at the start of a new term than by cooking up a great Thai curry for them? Plus, with all the veg in here you might even be able to fight off that Freshers’ flu! This dish can easily be made entirely from vegetables, or you can include your favourite meat for a great midweek meal
If you’ve never made bread before then it can seem daunting but I promise you it’s a very easy process. If you buy a tin of easy bake yeast then there’s a quick recipe on the back that will made decent enough white bread but by following these simple, additional steps you can achieve a wonderful white loaf that works as the basis for many different types of loaf. It will take time to rise (about 2 hours total) but needs less than 30 minutes of active preparation and is worth it.
Who doesn’t love cake? This is a great basic cake recipe that everyone should know
This recipe is one for a dish that seems like it should be really easy to make but often isn’t. It’s pasta carbonara and I’ve made Theo Randall’s, Antonio Carluccio’s and countless other recipes before, all with varying degrees of success. Until I found a version of this one from BBC Good Food that is straightforward and tasty.
A sorbet can be a challenge for even the most talented of student chefs. But trust me, try it for yourself and give it a go!
This lemon chicken recipe is light and full of flavour, but you’ll enjoy it just as much as its naughty takeaway brother
A recipe to keep you healthy and warm on these cool nights
Struggling to look good on a student budget? Film Editor Nicole Tamer imparts her wisdom by sharing her cheap and easy beauty recipes
Try out Jose Harrington’s recipe for a healing and healthy fresher’s flu dinner
Adam Fearn offers his recipe for Salted Caramel Chocolate Pots
Katie Green shows us how to make these eggsellent chocolate treats in time for Easter
Wouldn’t that be a great name for a Spanish granola/cereal company?! You saw it here first.
Ellie Gibbs concocts a recipe for Chana Dal whilst exploring the range of ingredients to be found on Curry Mile
If you’re going to BYOB to Phetpailin, why not make the same cocktail as Tom Bruce?