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Democrat Nominee Joe Biden could win US election in the country’s biggest turnout in 100 years, polls indicate
Was moving Greater Manchester into Tier 3 illegal?
For Matt Danby, the last two years have been a rollercoaster ride
The University said employees should use the time to learn something new
Phil Neville is under pressure again after England’s performance
Despite it’s coal-powered past Manchester has now become one of the major cities making strides to tackle climate change
Commercial buildings are wasting energy equivalent to that needed to power 15,000 homes
Daisy Culver looks at the confessional poetry of William McCullion- nom de plume Tilda James- which explores the body, gender, mental health and Manchester
“Chile has woken up and the world is waking up” – Javier von Marées discusses the history behind the current protests in Chile
Researchers at The University of Manchester have developed a pharmacist-delivered service to support patients taking long-term medication, which will increase health and reduce overall costs
Tallulah Brennan argues that the billionaire class should not exist and stands in the way of human flourishing
In this Is it Art? Chess Bradley examines whether the blog, Nancy Rothwell Looking at Things, is art.
Writer Archie McLachlan reviews King Nun’s jarring and jagged debut album
Moving to a different country has it’s challenges, we speak to Charlotte who has recently returned from America about her experiences
Victory against the Czezh Republic handed England just their second win in six since their World Cup exit
“Kanye West is a new man, a born again Christian who is done with secular music”, writes contributor Harry Thorfinn as he shares his thoughts on Kayne’s new direction
Contributor Owen Trimming reviews King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizards latest tour, their gig at O2’s Victoria Warehouse not quite meeting expectations
The group also graffitied main campus this year
Ibrahim becomes the NUS’s third successive female BAME President, as she is elected on a platform of holding a National Student Strike
The University is the top-ranked in Europe, in a new table that focuses on social impact