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With Easter and summer coming up, we take a look at three European destinations that are perfect to visit with your student ID to get the best discounts
The scandal surrounding Emma Watson’s Vanity Fair cover shoot is just another way to compartmentalise women
Highly inaccessible and staggeringly audacious, Sun Kil Moon’s new album can be a rich and rewarding listening experience in parts (providing you’re still awake when they come round)
We discuss the controversy that’s surrounded Emma Watson and THAT photo shoot… and how what you wear doesn’t determine or negate your feminism
Manchester PhD researcher, Rhys Archer, speaks to The Mancunion about her journey to empower female scientists around the world, with her inspiring and ‘relatable’ Women of Science campaign
First-time feature director Anne Rose Holmer’s composes an uncanny coming of age film which will leave you mulling over what you have seen for days to come
Some quick tips to help improve your festival experience, and to help you to make the most of it
We speak to one of the founders of the Post-Crash Economics Society, which aims to change economics education to better reflect the world we live in
Miriam continues her vegetarian journey at Trof
In honour of International Women’s Day, Science & Technology Reporter, Katie Holmes, takes us through the most influential and inspiring female scientists in Manchester’s history
As clickbait, personal attacks, and other false reporting flood online journalism, media outlets are becoming increasingly dangerous, writes Joseph Whitfield
Rebekah Shaw speaks to Laura Marling about femininity, creative production, and moving on from LA at the folk musician’s first student conference
Director Ben Wheatley and actor Micheal Smiley preview their new film Free Fire at HOME with a special Q&A
An overnight sensation 30 years in the making
As Andy Burnham prepares for the Mayoral Election, we take a look at its potentially huge importance
Rhys Walker suggests five stunning libraries in Manchester that are definitely worth a visit
For some football teams winning is not the most important thing, Athletic Club Bilbao to this day retains its reputation as a club that believes in more than just making money
Leicester City’s fall from grace could be one of the worst moments in football history
The present-day minimalist movement is making strides in the right direction, but has a number of limitations, writes Tristan Parsons
With Valentine’s Day soon, we thought it would be appropriate to offer a roundup of our favourite destinations for first daters, to long term relationships, to groups of friends who want a fun night out