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Another ‘COP-out’: Azerbaijan’s COP29

Another ‘COP-out’: Azerbaijan’s COP29

Did COP29 finally break through the stalemate in climate negotiations, or was it yet another missed opportunity to confront the climate crisis?
The global response to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: What needs to change?

The global response to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: What needs to change?

The UN’s slow response in delivering aid to earthquake-ravaged Turkey and Syria reflects global structural imbalances and inadequacies in global relief strategy.
Study finds Brexit may risk UK’s current standing within the United Nations

Study finds Brexit may risk UK’s current standing within the United Nations

A recent research project carried out by select universities on behalf of the United Nations Association has found the UK must improve its foreign policy after Brexit to maintain its current influence in the United Nations
David Attenborough takes the People’s Seat at climate conference

David Attenborough takes the People’s Seat at climate conference

It has been announced that British natural historian Sir David Attenborough will take the first ever ‘People’s Seat’ at this months UN climate conference (COP24) in Katowice, Poland
12 years to prevent climate catastrophe

12 years to prevent climate catastrophe

Leading climate scientists and government figureheads from across the globe have met in South Korea this week to scrutinise a 15-page report advising policymakers on global increases in temperature
Science around the world

Science around the world

Jacklin Kwan reports on key contributions to science from around the globe

COP23 cuts coal

Over 200 countries attended the annual UN Convention on Climate Change to discuss cutting fossil fuel consumption

Enactus to host social hackathon

Manchester Entrepreneurs have collaborated with Enactus, the University of Manchester’s Computer Science society, to host a one-day social hackathon event, sponsored by Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Why Manchester Students’ Union supports BDS

Sara Khan defends the SU’s support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign, and challenges claims that the movement is anti-Semitic

Assange’s ‘arbitrary detention’ gives human rights a bad name

Branding WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange’s detention as arbitrary tarnishes human rights

Manchester professor denies “wildly optimistic” UN claims on Climate Change

A Manchester professor has dismissed the UN’s proposed plan of action and is calling for more revolutionary actions to combat global climate change

Horn of Africa in crisis as the world looks elsewhere

The East African famine is a humanitarian emergency – but who is responding, asks Charlotte Cook