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These articles reflect the opinions of the individual writers and do not represent the editorial stance of the media group.

Opinion Archive

19th November 2015

The case for introducing pop existentialism

Selsabil Amine introduces the concept of pop existentialism due to the mass media tendencies of misappropriating existentialist philosophy
19th November 2015

Why Germany can’t solve the refugee crisis alone

Chancellor Merkel’s response to the refugee crisis has been admirable, but Joel Kelly argues that we can’t expect Germany to take all the responsibility
19th November 2015

Can we all just remember why we’re here?

Adam Merrill reflects on the hypocrisy within the media surrounding Remembrance Sunday, and how sometimes, you do just have to laugh
18th November 2015

Hong Kong and youth politics

Jessica Chow-Lau and Candice Chau argue that Hong Kong needs more political involvement if anything is to change
17th November 2015

It starts with tampons, but where will it end?

Deborah Asamoah examines the gender imbalance that permeates our parliament and the resultant unfairness that it creates
17th November 2015

Sugar, bacon and the missing link

Joely Thomas asks whether taxing and warning against unhealthy foods is the best way to solve the country’s poor diet
11th November 2015

Are ‘smart’ drugs slowing down our development?

Alexander Piggot asks whether the growth of smart drugs is leading to educational inequality and making us less intellectually able
10th November 2015

Will tax credits unstick Cameron’s slick style?

George Bolton looks at how David Cameron’s PR-managed answers could be harming his credibility in the long run
10th November 2015

Hesitating to laugh

Jessica Chow-Lau examines the effect of political correctness and public backlash can have on the censorship of raw and cutting comedy
10th November 2015

Why we can’t just ‘move on’ from the legacy of slavery

Lower prosperity, lower educational attainment and higher suspicion. The legacy of slavery is still very much with us in our society today, writes Kyle Huggins

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9th November 2015

Uber, Uber über alles

In its rapid rise to dominance in our private, bookable transport industry, Uber has made itself some powerful enemies
6th November 2015

Frida Kahlo and the rebel commodity

Does consumer capitalism and modern feminism appropriate its icons wrongly? Madeleine Jones casts a critical eye over the use of Frida Kahlo merely as a fashionable image
5th November 2015

Peacekeeping in Palmyra: The latest symbol of self-interest

Joely Thomas discusses whether UN peacekeeping missions, such as the preservation of Palmyra, are doing all that they can to protect people
30th October 2015

Private education and me

After an illuminating spell in private education, Tristan Parsons takes a critical look at the establishments that are so prominent in our education system
26th October 2015

Why I love the market, and so should you

Colm Lock defends the market as a means to improve people’s lives the world over
26th October 2015

Think before you pink

Marina Iskander looks at breast cancer awareness campaigns from a different angle and asks if they are the best way to support the cause
25th October 2015

Osborne: Sorry Birmingham, President Xi is coming to the Northern Powerhouse

Xi, arguably the second most powerful man on the planet, visited Manchester University last week. And it’s thanks to George Osborne
22nd October 2015

The destruction of Palmyra is a very human tragedy

Alex Daniel argues for humanity’s sake, that we shouldn’t underestimate the tragedy of IS destroying an ancient city and the heritage it represents
22nd October 2015

The hypocrisy of white western feminism

Jessica Chow-Lau examines the modern feminist movement and its problematic middle-class, white focus
22nd October 2015

How to measure a nation

Should we look at more than just GDP when judging success? Tristan Parsons examines other ways to measure how good a society is