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Adam Selby takes a look at local sport opportunities on offer in Manchester, with this week’s spotlight on the UEC BMX European Cup
Harry Newton discusses the problems with a winter World Cup in Qatar
The Mancunion’s guide to UK festivals of 2015
James Thursfield discuss how E-Sports became recognised as a second-level Olympic Sport in Korea and what it reflects about the entertainment industry
Haider Saleem takes a look at what the Exec have planned for the Union during their year in office.
Imperial College student banned from computing facilities after ‘mining’ online currency, which follows a similar incident at Harvard University
Lauren Gorton questions why the media have overlooked discrimatory legislation in the USA but damned Russia for its ‘anti-propaganda’ bill
Jessie Cohen explores theatrical spectatorship in Queer Theatre – is it a step towards political activism or a force for perpetuating passivity?
Shami Chakrabarti is the Director of Liberty and advocate of civil rights
UK Sport withdraw funding for women’s water-polo, jeapordising trio’s Rio hopes
As Glasgow Students nominate Edward Snowden, Sam Dumitriu looks at the history of the position of university rector across the UK
Students ‘blacking up’ for fancy dress causes controversy at Russell Group universities
Charlotte Green explains why the University of Manchester should be at the forefront of student pressure on Russia
As many times as Hollywood blows up London or wipes out 89 percent of the population, I will never feel the rush of fear and dread I felt watching a DEA officer sat on the toilet reading Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.
The No More Page 3 campaign has reached national prominence, Sam Dumitriu speaks to campaigners and asks is Page 3’s time up?
Despite a more mainstream album approach, Turner is still the fame outcast his fans love
Five efforts from our Eastern European comrades, straight from our man in the field
James Johnson tells us why we should vote for him for General Secretary
Rugby begins its quest for an Olympic-style legacy
Sheffield to host the ‘Return of the King’ as Khan fights Diaz in April