money Articles

Accounting for Style #3: An identity crisis haircut and a perfume shopping spree
A first-year Politics and International Relations student tracks all their fashion and beauty purchases for the period of a month

Are Manchester’s international students getting value for money?
Making up 27% of the total student body, they pay almost half of all tuition fees.
Accounting for Style #1: English lit student spends over budget
Feeling nosey? One UoM student anonymously logs all of their fashion and beauty purchases over the period of September as part of a new series

Will banknotes save the UK’s most endangered species?
Online lender Quick Quid has ‘redesigned’ some UK bank notes with endangered animals on to raise awareness about conservation

Scientist nominations for new £50 banknote
Nominations have opened to see who will be the new face of the £50 note. We look at the front-running contenders from all fields of STEM.

Sex & drugs & rock ‘n’ roll – where UoM invests your fees
Mia Gair investigates how the University of Manchester invests its money in weird and wonderful companies around the world.

Time and money: students struggling with societies
Students are engaging less with societies, a Mancunion survey suggests